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Ahra's POV

I trembled in fear as I saw him walking closer to me.

What I feared has come true. Jin Yonghoon is indeed alive.

He sat in the chair and rested his chin on his hand, smiling brightly.

"You thought I was dead, didn't you?"


"Let's just say, I was lucky." he smirked.

"Now sweetheart, the thing is, we don't want to hurt you or anything. We just want you to join us." he smiled.

"So, will you, Park Ahra? Will you join WeUs?" he asked.

I nodded eventhough I didn't want to. I had to. At least, for now.

As expected, Yonghoon unlocked the chains from my hands. Before I could make any other move, he engulfed me into a hug. I was stuck in his arms, unable to move.


"What is it, Yonghoon?" I asked, still unable to move.

"I think I've caught feelings for you." he let go and caressed my cheek.

"Yonghoon, stop. This is a trick, isn't it? You can't fool me with your sweet talk." I grabbed his hand as he smiled.

"Ahra, this is not-"

The door bursted open before Yonghoon finished his sentence. My eyes widen as I saw who it was.


San's POV

We managed to locate Ahra's location due to the tracking device I planted on her before.


"I'm sorry, Ahra." I muttered before hitting her head so she'd pass out.

"Good job. You can go now, I'll take it from here." Dongmyeong said.

"Wait, hold on. What're you going to do with her?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Well, that's none of your business now, is it?" he smirked.

"Well, I guess."

"Now, move along or I'll have to take you as well."

I bit my lip, hesitant to leave, but I had to. I kneeled down and put on the tracking bracelet on Ahra's wrist before leaving.

End Of Flashback

The building was surrounded by guards at every corner. We hid behind the wall before the entrance, analysing the area.

"Get your weapons ready." Hongjoong signalled as Mingi and I nodded.

Just then, we heard footsteps behind us, we quickly ran to hide. I managed to find a small bush and hid behind it. I peeped through it and widen my eyes as I saw the person walking in.


I kept watching him and he passed through the guards, they greeted him as if they knew him. The three of us gathered again and I was still in shock.

"G-guys, S-Seonghwa just w-walked in there." I stuttered as both of them gasped.

"Listen boys, we don't have a clear explaination about this, but do not jump to conclusions. Our current focus is this mission right now. We can't afford to be distracted." Hongjoong tried to calm us down.

I still can't believe it. Did Seonghwa really just betrayed us like that?

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