12 | Dongmyeong

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Ahra's POV

"Wooyoung! Get your ass here!" a voice, which I believe was Mingi, called out for him.

I waved at him before he ran off. I went to San and waved my hand in front of him. He looked a bit spaced out.


He blinked his eyes and turned to me.

"Oh, uh, Ahra, d-did you say something?" he asked.

"Nope." I smiled.

"Let's get back to work." he said and led the way as I followed.


"San, I'm gonna step out for a while." I sighed as San just nodded his head.

I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, my legs feeling all jellyish. San and I were doing research for 3 hours straight. I sighed as I ended up walking to the corridor once again.

As I sat down on the couch, I just noticed the cup of water in front of me. Again, it had a note. This time it was purple and had a hyacinth flower drawn on it.

"Don't overwork yourself and stay healthy."

The flower this time resembles 'Forgive me'. I seriously need to figure out who this is. He might be someone I know from the past. Suddenly, San ran into the corridor and called out for me. He stood in front of me, out of breath, his phone in his hands.

"What's up, San?"

"This. He. Wants. To. Talk. To. You." he said in between breaths as I took the phone from his hand.

I looked at the phone, a bit nervous, but put it close to my ear.

"Hello?" I bit my lip, waiting for an answer.

"Meet me tonight at the address I text you. I won't be available on other dates, so I ask for your full cooperation."

"Wait, can I-" I was cut off as he hung up the phone.

"San, who was that?"

"Son. Dongmyeong." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"He wants to meet? TONIGHT????" I panicked, realizing what just happened.

"Don't worry, Ahra. I'll get us a cab right now." San said as the phone buzzed.

He sent the address.

"Hold up-" I said as I read the full address.

"San, this is the address to the Subway we went to earlier to meet Dongju..." I looked at him, nervously.

Does he know of us meeting with Dongju?

"But, I don't think he'll talk to us any other time." he bit his lip.

"I guess we have to go then." I sighed and grabbed my jacket.

We ran out the building and called a cab to pick us up as soon as possible.


It was already super dark when we arrived, it was around 11pm and the Subway was open, but none of the lights were on.

"Get your gun ready." San whispered to me as I pushed the door of the store open.

I held my gun in my hand, heartbeat increasing everytime I took a step forward. San was behind me, he seemed calm, maybe because he's probably done this a few couple times, meanwhile for me, this was only my second mission.

As we made it to the kitchen, we heard footsteps coming from the dining area. We hid behind the counter and I grew more anxious as the footsteps got louder and louder.

"Hello? Ahra? Are you here?" a voice called out, I'm not familiar with it, but he sounded scared.

"Ahra, it's me, Dongju. Please help me... " he called out again.

I bit my lip, I wanted to help Dongju but part of me told me it was a bad idea.

"Ahra? Please..?" he called out, this time a bit of sobbing could be heard as well.

I couldn't stand it and was already about to get up, when San grabbed my hand.

"Don't do it." he whispered as I bit my lip.

"Ahra, please....." his sobbing was even louder this time.

"I'm sorry, San." I yanked his hand off and stood up.

I gulped as I saw an unfamiliar figure in front of me, a cell phone in his hand, a smirk on his face.

Shit, it was a recording...

"Put your gun down. Hands up." he said as I gulped.

I put my gun down on the table and put my hands up, glacing slightly at San who gave me a worried look.

"I can't believe you fell for it, Park Ahra. KQ's star my ass." he chuckled as I glared at him.

"Who the hell are you and what do you mean KQ's star?"

"Oh Ahra, they didn't even tell you? First off, I'm Dongmyeong and secondly, I can't believe KQ hasn't told you." he smiled, walking closer towards the counter.

He stood in front of me and grabbed my chin to face him.

"Well, they weren't lying when they said you were pretty." he chuckled.

"Get your hands off of her!" San yelled, standing up and pointing his gun towards him.

"San, remember our little deal?" Dongmyeong asked, smirking as San gulped.

"San, what's he talking about?" I asked as Dongmyeong's gaze landed back on me.

"Aw sweetie, it's just a little deal we made. You'll know when you wake up later." he smiled.


"I'm sorry, Ahra." was the last thing I heard before I felt something hit my head and my vision went blurry.

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