10 | Forgive Me

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3rd Person's POV

After Ahra left the office, Hongjoong massaged his forehead with a sigh.

"You two need to settle this with her. Either you let her be or you try to convince her to still go on the mission." he said as all three of them exited.

Without saying another word, all three walked away in different directions.


"Why.." Ahra sighed as she plopped herself onto her bed.

She was already stressed out and suddenly, this happened. She just wanted to get some rest now. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She opened it and saw Wooyoung.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Uh, let's just talk outside." she said, closing the door behind her.

She leaned against the door, feeling tired.

"Uh, should we talk in the corridor?" he suggested as she just nodded.

When they were in the corridor, Ahra took a seat on the couch as Wooyoung grabbed a cup of water for her and sat beside her.

"Do you feel alright? You look sick." he said, worried.

"Yeah, i'm okay." she just nodded and took a sip.


Mingi was standing in front of San's room door, debating whether to knock or not. He wanted to talk properly with San, but was both scared and embarassed.


He turned around to see San looking at him confusingly, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"What're you doing in front of my room?" he asked, standing in front of the door, giving Mingi a look.

"Uh, I-I wanted to talk to you about something." he scratched his neck.

"Is this about Ahra?" San asked, as if he had read Mingi's mind.

"Maybe?" he smiled nervously.

"Let's talk in the corridor then." he said, walking away as Mingi followed.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Wooyoung asked as Ahra just hummed in response.

"You asked that like the, 50th time." Ahra sighed.

Wooyoung slowly felt her forehead, making Ahra a bit startled, but she realized what he was doing.

"You don't seem to have a fever..." he muttered as she smiled.

"Why do all of you do that?" she chuckled as Wooyoung looked at her confusingly.

"It's like you've never met a girl before."

"Well, maybe it's because we haven't? Maybe we did in our past lives, but we don't remember, I think?" Wooyoung mumbled to himself as Ahra chuckled again.

Her chuckling stopped as she tilted her head to the back, staring at the ceiling. A frown visible on her face.

"But why isn't he like you?" she muttered, loud enough for Wooyoung to hear.

"Why isn't who like me?" he asked, confused.

"N-no one." she replied, averting her gaze to the side.

"I'm assuming you don't want to tell me, so I won't ask."

At that moment, San and Mingi had arrived.

"Ahra? Wooyoung?" both of them exclaimed.

"What are you two doing?" Ahra asked, an annoyed expression visible on her face.

The both of them sat on the opposite of the other two. Ahra sat up and faced the two as they just smiled nervously.

"Well, Mingi and I wanted to talk to you about the mission." San smiled.

"What about it?" Ahra asked, shocking all of them.

Ahra usually is very kind hearted and talks with a soft tone, but when she's angry or annoyed, she changes into a different person.

"U-uh, w-we h-" San stuttered.

"Yah, talk properly will you?" Ahra rolled her eyes.

"Okay, so um, San and I came to an agreement, and I'll tell Hongjoong to get San back on the mission with you." Mingi explained.

The corridor was silent, no words came out from Ahra or the boys.

"Ahra, can you please forgive me and do this mission?" Mingi spoke up.

Ahra crossed her arms and looked at him. He looked at her with puppy eyes and anticipation.

"Alright fine." she sighed.

Mingi and San both smiled and high-fived.

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