05 | Trust Issues

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Mingi's POV


"Wow, Mingi. You have absolutely no chill." he said, pushing me off of him.

"I'm just worried." I sighed.

"Let's check around here. They could've gone too far." Wooyoung said.

I looked around the building and squinted my eyes. There was a figure standing on the rooftop.


"Wooyoung!! Let's check the rooftop!" I said and ran to the stairs.

Ahra's POV

"So you're also one of them?" he snickered bending down to look at me.

"I never intended to end our night like this, really. I thought you weren't one of them, but I see Hongjoong got brave and recruited a sweet, innocent girl like you." he chuckled, picking up the broken earpiece and throwing it off the building.

"How interesting." he smiled, looking at me.

"Who are you, Jin Yonghoon? Other than a barista, what are you? And how do you know Hongjoong?" I eyed him.

"Well, I can't answer all your questions. But, I can tell you only one thing. Beware of them, not everyone can be trusted." he smirked, walking towards me.

"Stay back!" I shouted, pulling out my gun and hiding it behind my back.

"How do you even know this info? Not everyone can be trusted? You're the one I can't trust. You're lying, aren't you?" I asked, as he just kept on coming closer.

"Oh sweet sweet Ahra, I can assure you that I'm not lying. Why would I lie to you? My sweet sweet Ahra." he smiled, caressing my cheek.

"Get your hands off of me. And don't call me your Ahra." I pushed his hand away harshly and pointed my gun towards him.

He just smiled and grabbed my arm, pointing the gun to his head.

"Shoot me, Ahra. I dare you." he smirked, staring into my eyes as my hand trembled, holding the gun.

I closed my eyes and slowly start to pull the trigger, still feeling Yonghoon's grip on my arm.

FUCK- Mingi was right. I can't do it.

Just then, I heard a gunshot fire and Yonghoon's grip on me loosened. I opened my eyes and cupped my mouth as I saw Yonghoon laying on the ground, bleeding.

"AHRA!!" I heard a familiar voice call out for me as he hugged me.

"Thank god you're alright." he said, hugging me tightly.

I was too shocked to say anything.

"M-mingi, d-did you j-just shoot h-him?" I stuttered, just realizing the gun in his hand.

Mingi didn't answer and just stroked my back.

"You guys head back to the HQ! I'll take care of the body." Wooyoung said as Mingi helped me up.

"Can you walk?" Mingi asked.

"Y-yeah, just hurt my shoulder. Nothing serious." I flashed him a small smile.

We walked to the stairs as I turned around, taking one last glance at Yonghoon. I gulped, hoping what I saw was just a hallucination.

But I swear, I just saw him move.


We sat down on the couch in the corridor as I checked my shoulder. It hurt a lot, but thankfully it wasn't broken. I turned to Mingi and saw that he was still crying a river.

"Yah Mingi, stop crying. I'm okay." I giggled as he continued to wipe away his tears.

"Sorry. I just kept thinking of what could've happened if we didn't safe you just now." he sobbed.

I patted his back and smiled. At least I have Mingi. I suddenly thought about what Yonghoon had said.

"Beware of them, not everyone can be trusted."

I glanced at the sobbing boy beside me.

I can trust Mingi, right?

"Mingi? Hongjoong needs to speak with you for a while." San, who was passing by, called for Mingi.

"Stay here and rest, alright?" he said as I nodded, waving to him.

After they walked away, I sat there alone, in the silent corridor. I felt really bored. The whole building didn't really have any decorations, except in the rooms. The rest of the building was just plain white.

I felt kinda thirsty and spotted the water dispenser at the corner. I slowly lifted myself up and walked over to it. Just as I was about to grab a cup for myself, someone reached for one too. Luckily, I pulled my hand away before our hands could touch. He grabbed a cup and just gave me a cold look.

02? Ah, that's right! I haven't apologized to him yet.

"U-um 02?"

He was filling his cup with water, so I thought he didn't hear me.

"Listen, I-I'm sorry for what happened just now. I totally had no idea that that was your room. I'm really sor-"

"It's not that big of a deal." he said, throwing away his paper cup and walking away.

Damn this guy is cold

I sighed as I watched him walk away. I'll give him some time. I mean, who wouldn't be mad that someone you've never seen before just uses your room as a changing room. That's invasion of privacy and personal space. I brushed the thought off, not wanting to stress myself anymore and just grabbed a cup. I'll apologize to him another time.

Just then, Mingi came running back. He immediately ran to hug me as I almost choked on my water.

"AHRA!! CONGRATSS!!" he ran and hugged me tightly.

"YAH SONG MINGI!! LET GO OF ME!!" I shouted as he slowly let go.

"What's this all about?" I asked, curious.

"Ahra, you finished your first mission! Congrats!!" he said and hugged me once again.

But why did I feel like I haven't?

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