Chapter 3 - Gorthlob

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Fear froze Gem. What other creatures existed in this desolate hole?

“Perhaps it won’t see me under these rags,” he hoped. But it was a desperate hope and in vain, for now the shuffling grew closer still, and Gem heard the sound of a creature sniffing for something. He shivered, hardly daring to breathe. The shuffling returned in short uncertain bursts, and Gem prepared to be pounced upon by some fanged imp which would dig its teeth into his trembling neck and kill him with a single thrust. Just then he was roused from these cheerless thoughts by footsteps further up the tunnel.

‘The two guards!’ he thought with ironic glee. ‘Even Nulgs are better company than this unknown thing! At least I know where I stand with them until the morning. Perhaps they will kill It before It kills me! They will have light at least.’ Round the corner came the Nulgs, the light from their torch dancing on the tunnel walls. Gem heard the sound of scampering feet that scurried into the recesses of the prison just as the gate creaked open. Furtively Gem scanned the chamber for signs of his shuffling visitor as one of the Nulgs entered.

‘Get up. Nonrog wants to see you,’ snarled the guard. As the Nulg spoke, Gem out of the corner of his eye caught a movement, something shifting where the light was thin, and to his dismay and wonder a black shape hurtled into the light faster than any living thing he had ever seen. There was not time to think as a ball of fur launched itself at the Nulg with a piercing scream. Taken unaware, the bewildered Nulg gave a cry, dropping the torch as the little creature lashed at its eyes with vicious claws, and displaying fearsome strength, twisted its neck. Blood spurted from the Nulg’s mouth, and it toppled backwards clutching at air and screaming horribly. low, with stunning agility, the attacker sprang over its victim’s head to land squarely on the neck of the other confused Nulg who had not been able even to draw a sword, so fast had it happened. Gem saw the first Nulg fall on its burning brand, lethally blinded and shrieking in agony. Its coarse fur caught the flame, which began to spread, whistling and spitting as it crept up the Nulg’s arm. Gem had never heard such cries of torment as fire engulfed the writhing body. Behind it the second Nulg grappled with its opponent in a frenzied mass. Gem, amazed but alert, saw his chance. Wrapping his arm thickly in a blanket, he grabbed the blazing torch from under the arm of the burning body and leapt through the open gate as he began his desperate charge up the tunnel. Adrenalin surged through every vein. Behind him he heard a gnashing and wailing, but he did not look back. Many perils lay ahead, but he was determined to find a way out. After a while he found himself at the Nulgs’ food store and stopped, gasping for air.

Gem’s greatest fear was that he should meet Nulgs, but for the moment the way ahead was empty, and he followed it. He came to a new passage which branched up to the left. He stopped to think. No real memory of the tunnels came to him - which way should he take? He had no time to decide, for ahead he saw a pale light, and the sounds of many footsteps and voices drifted down towards him. A party of Nulgs approached. Gem darted into the left-hand way and rounded a corner. To his dismay he saw, further up this passage, lighted brands hanging from the wall. He decided that it must be inhabited, so stamping out his torch, he withdrew into a hollow in the wall and crouched, waiting. After what seemed an eternity, he heard the Nulgs reach the junction, merely ten yards from where he knelt. To his immense relief they passed on, heading down towards the dungeon. When they were gone, Gem rose and peeked cautiously into the gloom.

Feeling his way to begin with, Gem grew slowly accustomed to the darkness, until he could just make out the sides of the passage ahead. As he ascended, the air became keener and less oppressive. Light was straining into the tunnel, and now Gem could make out his feet.

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