Chapter 5 - The Story of Hundun

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The land broadened out before them and soon the trees became scarce. In front there lay a vast country, mostly bleak and desolate, though for a couple of miles at least, the grass still grew tall and healthy. Beyond that the land was flat and brown, broken by rocky gullies. Gem’s heart sank as he took it all in, though Gorthlob seemed excited. Gem sat dejectedly on a grassy bank, and cupped his chin in his hands.

‘Well here we are,’ he said, ‘out of The Forest at last. But where are we now? I’ve a feeling I’ve reached The Other Side, and perhaps I have never been further from home. Oh, I am lost and without hope now. What do we do? Go back? Go forward? Or stay here and starve? Well, we can’t go back just to get lost and walk straight into the clutches of Nulgs again, and I won’t starve with self pity, so forward it has to be!’ He scanned the horizon, and thought he could see, far off in the North, the peaks of distant mountains. Again he thought of food, and hoped for a rabbit that Gorthlob might catch. They were both hungrier than ever. Gorthlob beckoned to Gem, and they headed towards the plains.

They ambled on, wandering aimlessly over swards of grass, and gazing grimly ahead. They had not gone far when Gem noticed a small speck in the afternoon sky. It seemed to be increasing in size, as if plunging from a great height. Nearer and nearer it came and then, to their initial fear and subsequent amazement, the rush of great wings surrounded them as a proud and immense bird bearing a rider swooped down before them.

Gem marvelled at this wonderful bird - rather like an eagle but nine times the size - and its rider, a strange looking being the size of a man but with such slender features, and elegantly. pointed ears. His intelligent, fiery eyes bore into Gem and Gorthlob as he landed, and Gem wondered at this rider’s pale green skin. His carrier was equally fascinating with its stern eyes and noble beak, its’ dark feathers and tall, sturdy legs. As it landed it pulled two huge wings smoothly to its flanks and stood, venerable and proud. It was a Swiftwing of the rare breed that were named ‘Harlfeer’ by their keepers, and its rider now dismounted it, alighting and observing - the two bedraggled figures before him. Gem looked up at this tall stranger who was dressed in garments of yellow and grey, with boots of light crimson and a long green hood. The stranger looked back, eyeing Gorthlob with particular curiosity. Then he spoke.

‘Dram gillo?’ To this, Gorthlob answered quickly and confidently.

‘Gorthlob gill, krup san sel rimsin sel Nulg; e’en aaldi dab rimsin, cep rimik niti. E’en trollochik Sarkrak, sel mian san pagrar!’

‘Sarkrak?’ interrupted the rider, and a flash of wonder crossed his face. Immediately he turned to Gem, whereupon Gem raised a hand.

‘Do you understand what  I am saying?’ he asked in a clear, deliberate voice.

‘Of course!’ replied the rider. ‘But your friend tells me that Sarkrak lies dead, and it is your doing! How did this come to pass?’ Gem, relieved that the stranger seemed friendly, and spoke his language, and having determined the identity of Sarkrak the Fangfly, proceeded to tell the rider everything that had befallen them since escaping the Nulgs. He then told the rider of Benreath, of Eastfield, and of The Summer Festival where all this had started. He heaped great praise on Gorthlob who seemed to know it, but remained modestly silent. The rider listened to what he had to say, and replied:

‘You are on the east side of The Shadyleaf Forest now, and far from your home. My name is Narith, messenger and subject of the King of Trenhirion. You are in The Barren Lands now, but my city is not far by air.’

‘If you don’t mind me asking,’ piped up Gem, ‘what do you call yourselves? Are you Men?’ At this, the rider laughed long and loud.

‘Men?’ he answered. ‘No, I am not a man.’ His eyes twinkled with mischief. ‘Men cannot tame the Great Birds! We Embardow do it for them, and other things besides! The Embardow is the race of which I am born an Embar, and with Men, and Gnomes, we live in harmony. We help them and they help us, in many things. Come! You need food and rest after your adventures! Will you accompany me to Trenhirion?’ Gem smiled and relaxed, nodding his head gratefully. ‘Then if you will allow,’ continued Narith, I shall speak a few words with your doughty little friend Gorthlob,’

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