Chapter 25 - The Siege

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A bitter, swirling wind swept through the Pass of Norclove, wrapping its icy fingers around the armies of Dundrach as they ascended into the Mountains. They had begun their march to  Endrach Antel. Leading the legions of Embardow was King Huilonand at his side strode Lord Anaroth of Ellerol. Sharmor and his Company followed, and behind them stretched a tide of marchers that reached back to the Bridge of Dundrach, where still they poured from the City.

'This is a cruel wind!' cried Tellom over the rising gusts. 'It chills to the bone!'

'Unfortunately  the wind is against us, as well as being bitterly cold,' replied Sharmor.

'Time is against us also, but we must hasten towards Banrak,' cried Huilon from the front. 'We are passing under the territory of Blizzaro. His domain lies somewhere up that cliff to our right. Let us hope that he hears our prayers, and aids in whichever way he might.'

'Let us hope so,' said Narith, 'for we have no time now to seek him.'

'He will be watching,' added Huilon. 'The survival of Feliach is his greatest concern, though some might not believe it. I do not know what power is left to Blizzaro. He disclosed that his dealings with Gem and the Sky-Stone may break him - it may be so. However, if any magic is left in him, you can be sure it will be wisely used. I bear with me our own token of strength, The Sacred Arc.'

'You did well to bring it, sire, if my opinion is of any worth,' said Tellom. 'In Levendill its light was wondrous, a sight I shall never forget.'

'I hope that light shines just as brightly in the presence of the Drathlords, before the forces of Troch itself,' replied Huilon darkly.

Now the wind rose higher still, howling over the thumping feet of the thousands that streamed from Dundrach. Like a snake the army wove its way into the Mountains, following its thin course higher and higher. Grim faced they marched, and the prospect of war filled ~their minds. They went far that day, not stopping to eat or rest until the darkness was thick about them. The waning moon was blotted out by stormclouds, and the lie of the land was lost in a murky blur. The armies camped for little more than an hour, before lighting brands and setting off again. The night passed, and as morning came the clouds burst, lashing the Mountains with rain that fell like stones. But still the armies marched resolute. They must reach Endrach Antel before the day was out.

Upon the sodden fields of Banrak the battle raged, but although the men of Endrach Antel fought with fury, the resources of the Enemy seemed truly endless. Fresh battalions of Krahls had come forth to wreak havoc on the frontlines, forcing men slowly back towards the City walls. Now Engarn was busier than ever, rallying together the mid-ranks and rear defences of the army, and ordering them into blocks, as fear spread for the safety of Endrach Antel. Ken could not hold out forever against such might. Every heart prayed that help might arrive. But hope was wearing thin, and despair was beginning to set in. The Enemy were ever grinding towards the City, and now the conflict was edging towards the two frontal towers of Endrach Antel, that overlooked the fields south and east. Like two grey guardians they stood, still proud and great, but as two enormous masts of a ship that had been dragged into stormy seas. That ship was Endrach Antel and its people, and it was the Enemy's task to sink it. Now the Drathlords, gloating over their progress, decided to strike harder still, and bring out new adversaries - Wraiths. The Company had brushed with these in Tolitroth, and escaped. But the Forest-Wraiths had then been in no great number, for most of their kind inhabited the higher valley walls of Teleg Darn, whence they threw down fire. These were the more evil form of Wraith, the phantoms from which Ben had saved Sharmor and his group. But now they had been rounded up and summoned, by the Lords that ruled them. The Drathlords were ready to unveil their latest peril, and with it prepare to storm the gates of Endrach Antel.

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