Chapter 32 - To Banrak with Hope

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Within two days, Gem and Gorthlob had begun to feel more like themselves again, and informed Huilon that they were ready 'to face the people of the city. Everything was quickly arranged. It was the fourth day since their arrival, as they emerged from the Halls of Scarpenspire, led by King Huilon and Queen Tanreth. Gem transported himself, at his insistence, on his newly-acquired crutches, and Huilon held Gorthlob in his arms so he could be seen above the parapet wall. Alongside them strode Dorcaril,Blizzaro, Engarn, Anaroth, and the company. In the streets below, massive crowds had gathered during the morning, drawn by the news of the heroes' forthcoming. Trumpets sounded and flags flew, as Huilon summoned the attention of the people.

'People of Dundrach, and of Endrach Antel, and indeed Gnomes of Fandenor, and Mants of Niirth! All the races of Feliach are concerned with this momentous day, and though not all are present, all are greatly affected by what has passed. Gem and Gorthlob have toppled the Dread that was destined to engulf us all in mighty jaws; the Arrowstone has been claimed and its Quest fulfilled. Few of us expected such a victory; indeed many of us bad forsaken hope for the Arrowstone, for who could foretell that one of the Dunildow would come forth? For all our knowledge they were forgotten, a race long-ago exiled into the wilderness of our memory. Yet it was King Dorcaril, and his subject Narith Greenhood, who stand upon my left side, that sought the Dunildow and found them, living in a hidden land beyond any previous exploration. Narith travelled far, to Calleden at Talgarith, where he was bestowed with one of the eight Sky-Stones, to aid in their work. It was not for them to contact the Dunildow, for it states strictly in Hundun's Script of Ordinance that one must come forward of his own accord, unprompted, to claim the Arrowstone. The duty of Dorcaril and Narith was to use the magic of the Sky-Stone, to direct it and their willpower into a channel that would pull on one of the Dunildow. Their plan eventually worked, and forth came Gem, who stands here upon my right. This is Gorthlob, whom he met on his travels, and together they joined at last with Dorcaril and Narith, before setting off with the Company that Dorcaril chose. I will first present this Company, a valiant group of companions who have bravely withstood, and survived, the fiercest and cruellest adversity on their journeys. One, Tilsen the Embar, is missing, stranded at Endrach Antel, and when this ceremony is finished, members of this Company are to set off in anxious search of him there, accompanied by Engarn, who will seek King Dergard. In Tilsen's absence, we offer hope for his safety, and recognition for his part in this courageous group. The same hope we hold out for King Dergard, and as yet no messengers have arrived from Endrach Antel, though many have left this City. However, as the rest of the Company stand here with me, we will stand in honour of the parts they have played. It is my wish that they are to be made Lords of the City of Dundrach, and their names to be engraved in gold, forever to remain emblazoned in the halls and corridors of Scarpenspire. Already our goldsmiths have prepared pendants of the finest intricacy, shaped in gold and inscribed with lordship titles for the bearers, and the date on which the Enemy fell - September 24th, 1799.' Now Huilon named each one of the Company before the people, and each was called 'Lord' as he stepped forward to bow, and to accept this token of honour. As they did so, rapturous cheers swelled from the crowds, When all but Ben had done this, Huilon turned to him.

'Here is a face many of you already know!' he continued. A great cry went up, and the trumpets sounded again as Ben stepped forward. 'This is Ben, whom the Company met in Tolitroth, and who saved them from the devices of the Enemy there. He joined them, for revenge was in his heart. Although an outcast at their meeting, Ben came originally from Talgarith, whence his son was taken by the Drathlord of Praethir, and slain. Grief drove Ben into the wilderness, where he remained until this fortunate meeting. For it was Ben who finally gained his revenge, and slew the Drathlord on the Bridge of Dundrach, just before Gem's mighty task was completed so far away in Troch. Lord, accept this token, with the gratitude and praise of our people, as have your friends!' Ben bowed, and tears formed in his eyes as the tumultuous noise filled his ears.

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