Chapter 31 - A City Rejoices

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Over the wastelands Gem and Gorthlob were borne, while at Dundrach, the Enemy poured into the City, eager to massacre their foes. Arms were raised against them, as the Allies prepared to defend once more. The death of the Drathlord had kindled the wrath of the Enemy to a burning fury, and their assault was to be ferocious and overpowering. Yet no real assault came. Suddenly, the Enemy frontlines hesitated and wavered uncertainly, even as they plunged into battle. Their purpose had in an instant grown strangely dim to them, and they did not know for or against whom they were fighting. The earth began to tremble, and the sky turned black as Men, Gnomes, Mants and Embardow looked to the heavens.

Ahgalron swooped upon Scarpenspire, homing in on Huilon, ready to smite down the King. Yet even as he neared his target, his flight became suddenly confused, as his wings lost their power. With a crash the Drathlord collided with the rampart wall and, scratching hopelessly at the brick, slid away to land upon the level below. Here he collapsed in a useless heap, screaming and flapping his limp wings in vain. Sharmor saw this, and the truth became clear to him. He turned in disbelief and wonder, and saw that the Enemy soldiers were now fighting amongst themselves on the Bridge of Dundrach, and their backs were to the City, as terror surged through their ranks. Throwing each other over the brink in their madness, they were attempting to flee, trampling and slaying their kin as they went. The evil force that drove them on was no more, and with its demise so they too would scatter across the lands, crawling eventually into holes where they would perish.

'See the skies darkening!' cried Sharmor as the Allies watched on in stupefied amazement. 'It is not the storm of the Enemy that arrives, but the ghost of a fallen Power that covers the land! See! The wind blows, and already the darkness disperses! Behold the remnants of the Realm of Kondahlrod, for the tyranny of Troch is no more! This is the hour of the Dunildow, for the Arrowstone has reached its destiny! Kondahlrod is destroyed, and his troops have lost their will! Let them scatter! They flee only to their deaths! Praise to Gem the Bredunil, Gem the Burrite, and his companion Gorthlob, for they have succeeded in their mission! All praise to Hundun for the Arrowstone, and praise to the Deiarth!'

To those who heard these words and believed them, their rapture and wonder were without bounds. As the Enemy left Dundrach, word that one of the Dunildow had overcome the might of Kondahlrod with the Arrowstone spread like a river of gleeful talk. Yet Sharmor's face remained grave as he watched the Enemy leave, and tears finally ran down his face, as he thought of the fate of Gem, and of Gorthlob. They had done so much, and now with the Quest accomplished, surely they too lay dead in the wreckage of Harg-Tolun. As a cheer of triumph rose in the streets of Dundrach, a figure appeared above the Pass, riding on Falconback through the lifting haze. Sharmor was the first to see him, and as he strained his eyes, the figure descended towards him, his coloured cloak trailing in the wind.

Now all eyes were upon the figure, and the wonder of the people doubled as Agaros the Falcon alighted on Scarpenspire. The figure, his robes draped across the bird's back, started to dismount, one hand holding the tall, worn hat on his head.

'Blizzaro of the Mountains!' cried the people, as the wizard waved his arms about agitatedly.

 'Peace? Will you give me peace for a moment!' he shouted over the throng. 'I have something very important to say!' A hush fell in the City below, as Blizzaro calmed the armies. 'Sharmor is right?' he cried. 'The Lord of Dread has indeed been destroyed, and you can see how his forces scatter aimlessly, throwing down their weapons and fleeing? I too know the Burrite who completed this stupendous task; indeed I aided him on his Quest, communicating with him through the Sky-Stone, though I fear that treasure is now gone, alone with the Sacred Arc. Yet such sacrifices have to be made! Many of you did not believe in Blizzaro before - well, I admit I have not been the easiest wizard to get to know - I rarely show myself to people. Now you may unite in your belief, for it was I, Blizzaro, who sent the rockfall to delay the Enemy, and now I have summoned this Falcon with the last of my strength, to bear me here. My strength wanes because I have sent Zip, my staff of sorcery, to Troch, in desperation at the last! Without Zip, I grow quickly weak; I am weakening now. But hear this, people of Feliach! A hero - indeed two heroes, return to you as I speak, borne upon my staff! Welcome them with great celebration, for they have saved us all! They are weary and almost broken - tend them back to health and strength! Praise them and glorify them! Rejoice in Gem and Gorthlob! Gem and Gorthlob!'

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