Chapter 30 - Escape from Darkness

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Along the Bridge of Dundrach sped the bearded figure, and from his lips issued a warcry. The Drathlord emerged from the smoke that had wrapped him, and turned. Surprise lit his hideous features as he heard the cry, and he stepped back, not ready for this show of bravery and defiance. An unsure laugh faltered on his lips as Ben approached, his boots upon the Bridge like the thunder of horses' hooves. With a scream of vengeance, Ben raised his sword.

'You murdered my son!' he cried in a voice rent with hoarseness and anger. 'Now you shall pay for what you did, for I fear you no longer!'

Even as the Drathlord lifted his wings to smite down this man, Ben leaped up, and with a broad sweep of his blade, sliced clean through his foe's neck. With a shriek that chilled the bones, and caused all who heard it to cover their ears, the head toppled from the neck, and hit the Bridge with a thump. Such torment had never been heard, as the Drathlord's headless body raged in agony, swiping at the air with uncertain wings, and the head rolled to a halt, screaming curses and dribbling from the eyes and mouth.

'Now for your doom, failed beast of Troch!' cried Ben, and picked up the head, stabbing out its eyes and hurling it from the Bridge. Behind him the body, floundering in its own destruction, swayed and staggered. A single claw stretched out, and stabbed at Ben, catching him upon the collar. With a shout of surprise, Ben was lifted into the air, and shoved over the sidewall of the Bridge. 'No!' he cried, but it was too late. The claw ripped the garment, and Ben tumbled from the Bridge as the twitching body of the Drathlord slumped pathetically to the floor, gripped in the pangs of death. 'Victory is mine!' came Ben's failing shout as he plunged. Yet even as the onlookers of Dundrach held their breath, a winged shape dived from the valley wall, and with a spurt of speed came beneath Ben's falling form, snatching him up in powerful talons, plucking him from the air and ascending again towards the City. A cheer went up, as Feled rose above the Bridge, clutching Ben who dangled bewildered from his claws. All eyes turned swiftly to the beheaded body of the Drathlord. For a moment it lay, wings shaking uncontrollably. Then, suddenly, all the muscles stiffened violently, and the body shot up taut, and then slumped into death. The wings ceased their quivering, and grew still.

Appalled by the death of their leader, the forces that waited beyond the Bridge clashed their weapons and hollered in fury. Forward came another dark winged figure, and hovered over the dead body. This was Ahgalron, and with a scream of rage he descended, lifting the carcass and bearing it back. With an angry cry he ordered his troops forth, and the Clevestair became alive with their streaming forms as they headed into battle.

Bittersweet was the glory for the Allies. There was no time for celebration of this deed, not even for Ben himself, though his heart and mind were triumphant in the gaining of his vengeance. Across the Bridge surged an angry river of black and grey, and death was in their eyes. Huilon pulled himself from the parapet, and raised a horn to his lips. Clear and sharp it rang, as the first Enemy fighters set foot upon Embarian ground. Gone was the Sacred Arc, though it had played a part, so weakening the Drathlord that he was made defenceless against a simple blade. Now Ahgalron had taken his place, and he drove his forces on with unequalled fury.

In the Tower of Harg-Tolun, messages were reaching Kourong that the prisoners had been found by Drukhogs of the First Level, who were taking them straight to the Waiting Chambers. 'Good,' grumbled the Head Krahl. 'It'll save a lot of fuss and bother then. Let Him deal with 'em, if we can't. Now everything can get back to normal,' Kourong returned to the Gates, muttering under his breath. He was glad to be rid of this problem, and get back to his normal duties. He had not liked the scene that had been discovered in the dungeons, and the thought of the two dead guards there. 'There's something very nasty about those creatures,' he thought, 'and I don't want to be a part of it. Let the Drathlord look after 'em until Kondahlrod finishes 'em off.'

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