Chapter 4 - Danger from the Sky

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Wearily the two travellers trudged on, plagued by flies, and bogged down by the marshy forestland. Vaporous mists rose from the wet surface, floating gentlycurling and spiralling before settling in a stagnant cloud of fog. Clumps of reeds and rushes sprouted from the deepening mud, and the way ahead was frequently blocked by fallen trees, decomposing in the marsh. The putrid stench of decay was about them, and the air was close and sticky. Suddenly there came a scream. Through the still silence it tore, echoing mysteriously, and was gone. Gorthlob looked up at Gem, who had stopped. A tremor passed through them. Gorthlob's eyes darted hastily this way and that. Again they heard the scream. It sounded nearer this time, and was high-pitched and chilling. They needed no further warning, and began to run away from it as fast as their cold, wet legs would carry them, speedily splashing through the bogs. Soon they were caked in mud and slime. Gem's face got rather badly scratched by an overhanging branch hidden in mist, and Gorthlob stubbed a toe - he always travelled on his long arms when on flat ground (as opposed to upward climbing, where his little legs were invaluable) and, hopping over a tree stump, knocked his foot on it and tumbled into a puddle. Gem stopped, his breath coming in short gasps. He looked ahead into the gloom.

'I shouldn't be surprised if we can't see anything that's in front of us soon. The mist is getting thicker and whatever's behind us, it's not very friendly. This is sure to end in disaster unless we get out of this dreadful place, and soon.'

They had come to that region of The Forest called by the Nulgs 'Asurl Sarkrak' which meant 'Territory of the Fangfly'. The area had other names, the most common being 'Iolulgror-Hivelin' meaning 'Evil Land of Water’. Nulgs seldom came here. In fact they feared and avoided this country, held in awe and terror of its jealous and ruthless guardian, Sarkrak the Fangfly, an ancient beast of evil. Rumour had it that the Fangfly had a mystical power over its domain and all that grew in it. Once again Gem and Gorthlob heard the cry, piercing and evil. Gorthlob was cursing and spluttering as he dragged himself from the pool of mud, and they had just set off again when it was Gem's turn to stumble. He had ducked to avoid a low branch and caught his foot in a weed. Crashing flat on his face in the water, which was a murky brown colour and particularly horrible in taste, he had landed mouth wide open, his cry muffled by the oozy liquid. Wiping the mud from his eyes he went to get up, but to his shock felt the weed tightening around his ankle as if with a will of its own. Desperately he tried to wrench himself free, but the sinewy stem wrapped itself so taut it was cutting into his skin. Gem cried out in pain, and Gorthlob ran to assist him.

‘Do something Gorthlob, use your teeth!’ cried Gem. But Gorthlob did not realise that his mud-covered partner was caught, and he was pulling at Gem's arm. Desperately Gem feigned a gnashing teeth action and pointed to his foot. Gorthlob understood immediately and bent down, jaws wide open, gleaming fangs poised. Hooking the weed with his teeth, he began to tug viciously at it until his head was virtually submerged as he sought the roots. Another scream shook the air, and terror seized Gem as a shadow fell all around him. Above him loomed the shape of something terrible; a fell winged creature hovered, its cruel talons tensed and ready to strike. Gem felt the grip on his ankle tighten as he stared transfixed at the Fangfly. Its two wiry legs joined scaled flanks over a yard wide, and at least three in length. Its great wings spanned seven yards and flapped with slow deliberation as it circled above, sizing up its prey. The tip of each wing developed twisted yellow claws which flexed and stretched as the creature anticipated its catch. Its long thin neck supported a monstrous head at the back of which shone two beady eyes, cold and corrupt, and trained on Gem. There was a light in them that spoke of Death. Its cruel crooked beak was lined with lethal fangs. Suddenly the creature swooped to pounce, its tail lashing the air.

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