Chapter 6 - The Enlisting

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Gem opened his eyes and found himself lying in bed in a small chamber. Through a gap in the curtains streamed morning sunlight.

'What happened? Wh…. where am I?' he mumbledand looked around. By the bed was a table on which stood a jug of water, and a cup. In the corners of the room were tall chairs, and a large white rug lay across the polished floor. Puzzled,Gem closed his eyes and thought back over the events that had befallen him since escaping the Nulgs. It was all like some fantastic dream, much of it a horrible nightmare.

'I must have fallen asleep at the King's table,' he thought, 'after all those terrible stories about evil lords, and wars, and an.. ..Arrowstone. I don't remember ending up here - though I can't complain; this bed would sleep a princess! And outside it is a lovely morning, and I feel so cosy I can scarcely believe there is anything bad in the world, despite all that has happened to me.' And then memories returned to him of Hundun the Wizard, and the consequences of the words of Dorcaril the night before. 'Can it really be me?' Gem wondered. 'Gemrol Greenland on a quest to save the world? I have had no experience in such things!' He smiled grimly. 'How Basley would laugh if he knew what a ridiculous mess I was in!’

At this moment Gem heard footsteps approaching, and then came a soft knock at the door. A moment later Narith entered, and sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

'Good morning Gem,' he smiled.  'How was your first night at Trenhirion?

“I feel much better,” said Gem, 'but how did I get here? Did I faint?

'You were very tired, Gem, and I think after your ordeals that you could take no more. Your head simply hit the table, and you were brought here by Adal and myself. We want you to rest until you are strong again.'

'And Gorthlob?

'Gorthlob too has his quarters, and is very happy!' Narith chuckled. 'He is quite a fellow, you know!'

'Yes,' smiled Gem. 'Terribly brave as well. He seems to have taken a shine to you and your King. And as for feeling strong, I am fighting fit, and. ..I'm, er, well.. .hungry! What are your breakfasts like, and how do I earn one?' At this, Narith laughed loud.

'Our breakfasts are excellent, and as for earning one, please accept it on the house! You had better follow me, if you are sure you are fit. We shall prepare a late breakfast for Master Gemrol! How does that sound?'

'Too good to be true,' laughed Gem. 'But what do you mean, late?'

'It is almost noon!' replied Narith. 'But our guest shall breakfast when he wishes. I fear you are still fully clothed from yesterday eve, so you may bathe and change first, if that suits you. We shall find some garments of the Gnomes for you to wear. You will look splendid!'

Gem climbed out of bed and poured a glass of water from the jug. Then Narith led him along a smooth low passageway, and down some steep stone stairs, before arriving at a larger way lit with torches. Here there were no windows, and Gem imagined they were well below ground level.

'Here under the city dwell the Gnomes of Trenhirion, ' said Narith. 'This level is the threshold of their many abodes.”

'Do all Gnomes live underground?' asked Gem.

     'Until some time ago, yes, but around a hundred years ago they came up to build their houses above ground also. But I believe that Trenhirion is the exception in Northern Feliach - Gnomes usually build their towns and cities in or under the mountains, and thus, although their homesteads are vast and intricate, all  you will see are the great gates hewn  from  the mountainsides, and the clustered entrances and exits that appear for miles around. They are wary people by nature.,. it is only from their long-founded trust in Men and Embardow that they have shaken off their inbred caution here in Trenhirion, and have emerged from below the city. Our Alliance is firm and steadfast.'

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