Chapter 9 - Beyond the South Stair

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'Narith!' urged Sharmor. 'The way ahead is blocked! Pynderan! Stand at my side!' As he spoke, the terror that awaited them became apparent, and a great light filled the tunnel; the light of countless torches kindled by some sorcery. As their eyes grew accustomed to the blaze, they beheld their captors. Hideous creatures, tall as men, grinned evilly at them through huge protruding fangs. Boar-like, these beasts sprouted vicious horns from each side of their grotesque snouts. Clad in black fur, their legs resembled those of horses, for they were similarly jointed and of cloven hoof. Like their cousins the Krahls, their arms dangled long, but their hands had each developed three scaled claws, Their ghastly heads were tightly drawn with a macabre, stretched skin, and beneath the points of their upturned horns sat those burning, close-set eyes that pierced and brought despair. No weapons did they bear eMcept their torches. Now one of these foul beasts stepped forward and spoke, though its debased speech was barely comprehendable.

'Who are you, intruders?' demanded the Drukhog. 'No one enters this realm unless at the Master's permission.'

'What Master do you speak of?' retorted Sharmor. The Drukhog growled, and its eyes widened then contracted. Then it laughed, a sneering, tormenting laugh dying to a cruel hiss that whistled strangely between its fangs.

'Who is our Master? You insolent fool.' And it growled again, lunging at Sharmor with its brand. Sharmor took a step back, but his face was impassive. The Drukhog hissed again. 'He awaits you. We were sent to round you up and bring you to him,' it sneered. 'Do you think that you can enter the Shadow-Mountain and pass through unseen? Ha! What impudence! None can hide from Ahgalron the Great!'

Many who were present knew this name, out of the stories and dark lore of history, and caught their breath in sudden fear. Sharmor was one who knew the name well, and at the mention of it his face turned pale, and although he tried to move his lips, no reply came. All stared on in fear.

'Ahgalron!' spat the Drukhog in spite, sensing the effect of this name on his immediate listeners. 'He is most anMious to meet his uninvited guests,' it cackled. Sharmor lowered his head, and Gem heard him murmur:

'Ahgalron the Drathlord, Captain of Kondahlrod.' Gem gasped sharply at these words, and remembered the name from Dorcaril's talk of Balgorland. He shared now the despair of Sharmor in their predicament.

'Silence!' ordered the Drukhog. 'The Lord Ahgalron is well aware of your murderous activities, though two miserable Krahls are of little worth to him; he has thousands more. No, it is not that which disturbs him, but something of more importance - the absence of his two Ogres. Still he waits for them to return to him.' Now the Drukhog stepped menacingly forward, as if in challenge, and hissed: 'Have you seen them?' As it waited for an answer, the creature scraped its hoof slowly along the floor, and suspicion smouldered in its hateful eyes. Impatiently its claws twitched. 'So you will not speak?' it said at last. 'Then you will follow us! Don't try any dirty tricks - it will only make the Kaster more angry with you.' There was no choice but to do as the Drukhog commanded. Now a host of them pushed forward from the back of the line, and forced the captives on. Every opening they passed was heavily guarded now. Gem felt hope drain from him as Sharmor's words echoed round his head. He saw the two brothers speaking in desperate hushed tones as they walked, perhaps attempting to form a plan. Sharmor shot Gem a glance that said: 'Keep completely quiet.'

Presently they turned from the tunnel into low passages lit on both sides with hanging brands. Slabs of cold stone paved the floors, walls and ceilings, and inscribed upon them were strange writings. Sharmor muttered something about the 'Urgiynud' - the Runes of Troch - the Black Language, Naoraic. By now Gem had broken into a cold sweat, and a sickness had come over him. He had heard only a little of the history of the Drathlords, but he knew of their power and might. Was all hope now lost, and the Quest over? Surely this time they were doomed.

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