Chapter 1: Dancing with the Devil

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AN: Ok so brand new story yay! Thanks for the support that you guys put out on the story when I talked about it over on one of my other stories, I really appreciate it!

Before you read you need to know this: In this story, Pierre was a prince before he died. I based this part on the fact that he was wearing a crown for at least part of the first episode. 

Also, a short description of Pierre's human self: Purple hair, gold eyes, pale skin, wears a lot of black, gold, and purple. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Pierre sighed as he slumped in his throne. Another stupid ball. He hated these things. Sure the dancing was fun but now that he was of age, these balls were mostly to find him a bride/suitor. It was so frustrating especially since his parents kept trying to pair him up with people he couldn't stand.

A sharp tap on his shoulder made him sit up straight as he greeted the next group of guests. At this point, he couldn't even find it in him to make much more than a strained smile. Luckily this was the last group of guests as well and soon the dancing would begin.

He loved to dance, even though there was the problem of his parents trying to set him up with whoever he danced with. Still, he couldn't not dance, it was the only thing that made these parties bearable.

Looking around the party, he didn't see anyone he wanted to dance with in particular so instead, he went over to the musicians and asked for a ballroom dance; mostly so that he could be switching partners constantly. This way he could tell his parents that it was just a coincidence that he had danced with any one person.

The music started playing and he started dancing with a woman in a golden dress. Soon enough the music indicated for them to switch partners and he was dancing with another woman. Then another. Then a man. Then another woman.

As the song indicated for them to change partners again, he was surprised as he was spun into the arms of a handsome young man. He found himself blushing even as he wondered how he hadn't noticed him before when greeting guests. As they started dancing, the man chuckled and asked. "Am I that devilishly handsome?"

His blush got darker making the man chuckle once more.

"Oh did I manage to crack the prince's stone-cold heart?" The man teased, causing him to look down to avoid the other's gaze. "Awww, come now, at least look at me."

He looked back up just as the music indicated for them to change once more. Only for once, he didn't want to change dance partners.

Something must have shown in his eyes because the man he was dancing with didn't let him be spun away to the next person. It did cause a little discord for a moment before the people around them settled in on skipping the two.

"I'm Michael." The man introduced himself smoothly.

"I'm Pierre, but you already knew that." He said offering the other a small smile.

"Indeed I did." Michael said with a smile before saying. "You are quite good at dancing."

"I enjoy dancing, doesn't matter the partner, I just love dancing." He told him even as Michael spun him around and dipped him.

Staring up at Michael, he blushed a very dark red even as the man smirked. He was lifted back up and the two continued dancing. When the song finally ended, he was completely mesmerized by Michael. Which was why he was almost aghast as the man kissed his hand before turning to leave.

"Wait." He called and the man turned back to him.

"Oh?" Michael asked.

"Will I see you again?" He asked looking at the other with puppy dog eyes.

He chuckled before saying. "We may, we may."

And with that, he disappeared into the crowds leaving Pierre standing there alone.

AN: The reason Michael said 'Stone-cold heart' even though Pierre is precious bean is because Pierre was known for turning down any and all brides/suitors. I just couldn't think of a better word for it. 

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