Chapter 11: Impish Interruptions

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*Last Time*

"Boss, I-"

"Imp, may I ask what is so important that you interrupted my date?" Michael asked glaring at his ginger-haired servant, who gulped, seeing what he had just interrupted.


"Uh, sir, I do apologize." The imp stuttered. "I had no idea you were on a date, if I had, I would have made sure not to interrupt so directly-"

"Just tell me why you are here before I carve out your throat." Michael growled as he glared at him. 

"Right, sir." Imp nodded before saying in all seriousness. "Your father requested to see you, I don't know what for, but I was directed to fetch you immediately."

Michael looked surprised for once before his face turned irritated. "Father knew I had a date today..."

"From what his demeanor, it seemed to be important, sir." Imp told him honestly making Michael sigh as he turned to Pierre. "I'm so sorry, my lovely."

"It's fine, Michael, go see what your father needs." Pierre told him with a soft smile. Michael nodded once before turning back to the imp. "Imp, escort my lovely home if you will."

The imp nodded though Pierre caught a glimpse of irritation on his face before it faded back into a passive face. Michael turned to leave but before he did, he kissed Pierre on the cheek and said to the imp. "Make sure he is safe on the trip back home, Imp, or I will rip you limb from limb." Said Imp just nodded and watched Michael go before turning to Pierre. 

"Let's go." The imp growled out as he held out his hand. When Pierre looked at him questionably, he just rolled his eyes. "We're shadow traveling so you need to grab my arm unless you want to be left alone in Hell without the boss to protect you."

Hesitantly, Pierre took the ginger's arm and, with a quick turn, they disappeared in a cloud of smoke, appearing back in his bedroom. Pierre, not expecting it, fell to the floor almost immediately upon their teleporting into it. Before he could even say anything though, the imp was in front of him with a cross look on his face. 

"What did I say about getting closer to the boss?" Imp growled. Pierre stared at him in surprise before saying. "1. He was the one to ask me out, and even if I didn't care about him, you don't deny the devil. 2. Are you jealous or something-"

The imp started laughing outright at that. He was laughing so hard that he fell to the ground laughing his butt off. When he finally was able to stop laughing, Imp told Pierre. "In no way am I jealous, besides, I have a wife so that's a no go."

"Oh." Pierre said feeling stupid before he shook his head and asked. "Then why are you so against me and Michael dating?"

"Because your mortal." The imp said flatly. "You're not even a vampire or werewolf or something, which makes it worse if any of the boss's enemies try to kill you. Not to mention, if you ever do die, which you more than likely will, then the boss'll be overcome with grief and either torture every living thing in sight, or try raising you back from the dead and let me tell you, that's wouldn't be fun on your part."

"Fun on my part?" Pierre asked in confusion.

"Essentially he would be raising your soul up from the dead and putting it into your dead body which would have already had all of its organs shut down and may have even started decomposing. Thus you'll basically be in a decomposing shell with flesh hanging off you which is not the best way to live." Imp explained before adding. "Plus the only way you could actually die then is by someone reaping you and you can be sure the boss won't do it."

Pierre shivered at the description to which the imp just nodded before continuing. "Personally, I have nothing against you so far, but your death, which will happen eventually whether it be by injury or old age, will hurt the boss a lot and I don't want to see that."

"I understand where you're coming from and I don't want him to go through that kind of pain either..." Here Pierre paused to gather what he wanted to say. "But I love him, and he, at least, cares for me. I could never leave him, especially now that we're actually together. It would hurt him even more."

Imp sighed and said. "Fine then, but I hope we'll be prepared for the consequences..."

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