Chapter 8: The Devil Takes Care of his Own

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AN: This Chapter starts off in Michael's POV!

Michael sat with his hands over his eyes in the tavern. Why had he done that? He had freed Pierre from his services and with the way he had yelled at him, there was no chance that Pierre would call upon him again.

He was the devil, he was supposed to be more contained than that. Yelling didn't suit him at all. And yet, he had lost his composure.

He thought back to what Pierre had said. "Lost dreams." He had said. "Never going to happen." He had said. Sure Pierre had never said it, but Michael had a distinct feeling that he was the reason why those dreams would never happen. That's why he had released Pierre from his service. He didn't want the other to be unhappy and if he was better able to accomplish his dreams without him around, then so be it.

He sighed as he sat there. Already he was regretting doing it. Sure he wanted Pierre to be happy but he'd rather the mortal to be happy with him. As his preferably but you know the old saying, if you love something, let it go. So that was what he had done.

He didn't know how long he had sat there before he decided to go. Just as he was about to leave, however, he heard something unexpected among the usual worshipping he got. He knew that voice. But why would-

His fist smashed into the table beside him, destroying it in the process. Some people screamed in surprise but he didn't particularly care. His eyes burned with rage.

No one messed with what his.

No one.

With a wave of his hand, he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke, ready to kill what had attacked what was his.


The men had started to bind his hands together with ropes when suddenly a cloud of black smoke, which looked oddly familiar, enveloped the area. Then Pierre heard someone chuckling. But it wasn't just anyone, it was someone he knew quite well.

"Why hello mortals." A voice purred. "Its almost funny... how you thought you could mess with something that was mine."

"Yours? We haven't messed wi-" Before the man could even finish, he was being held up by the throat.

"Don't you know? The devil is very possessive of what is his." Michael said before throwing the man into his friend, knocking him away from Pierre, who was able to take off the loosely tied ropes and run behind Michael.

Michael took a quick second to examine Pierre, making sure the other was ok, before turning back to the two who had tried to kidnap him. With a flick of his hand, a scythe appeared in Michael's right hand. He gave it a small spin as he glared at them.

"I'll see you in hell, my dears." And with that, Michael brought the scythe down, reaping their souls as he killed their bodies.

Michael turned back to Pierre only to be surprised as the other hugged him, crying. He didn't hug back but he did put an arm around him and tug him closer, just holding the other. 

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