Chapter 3: The Devil's Servant

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It had been six months since Pierre had become Michael's servant but he didn't mind so much. He was still human so he got to stay in the overworld, but when Michael came calling, he was ready to do his duty.

Honestly, his job wasn't too hard. He spread the word of the devil, pointing towards his services rather than that of the church. He did that secretly, of course, no one could know that the prince was the one spreading the word of the devil. Besides that, he helped Michael with whatever business he had in the overworld. And it wasn't difficult usually so he was honestly fine with his job.

He was walking with Michael, on their way to another meeting that would spread chaos and such, when Michael suddenly said. "You know I don't think I've ever had a mortal servant that didn't plead with me to release them from their contract by now."

He shrugged and said. "It hasn't been so bad."

Michael seemed to freeze for a moment before he started laughing. He laughed so hard that honestly, Pierre started getting worried for him. After a few minutes, Michael calmed down enough to say. "You are the only mortal who would ever say that about being the devil's servant! Ha! That's rich."

"But it's true!" Pierre told the laughing devil. "Honestly I expected for it to be worse but it really hasn't been."

"Oh? Tell me, Pierre, what hasn't been so bad about being my servant?" Michael asked curiously.

"Well for one, you still let me check in on my kingdom, then your tasks that you give me, while sometimes gory, aren't that bad. From the stories, I would have expected you to torture me, but the only time you've ever done that was that time that I really messed up, and I won't be making that mistake again. And- well yeah that's pretty much it." He was going to add something else but stopped himself as his cheek tinted pink.

"What was that last thing you were going to add, Pierre?" Michael asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." He said instantly, the blush getting a little darker.

Michael examined Pierre for a minute before he got a smirk on his face and said. "Looks like someone has a crush on the devil."

Pierre's face went a deeper red but he didn't say a word.

"Not even going to deny it I see." Michael seemed to preen.

He turned away, not willing to admit it but also not wanting to be teased. He could hear Michael still chuckling behind him but he didn't turn back to him.

"Come now, show me those pretty golden eyes of yours." He got even redder upon hearing the pretty part even as he spun around to face the smirking devil. "Did you just call my eyes pretty?"

"Maybe~" Michael said in a sing-song voice.

"Wha- WHY?" He asked in surprise.

"I don't dance with just anyone, Pierre." Michael purred but before Pierre could even think of a response, he was walking off. "Come now, Pierre, we have work to do."

He just stared for a moment before following him with the bright red blush still firmly on his face. 

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