Chapter 13: The Devil's Truth

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Pierre sat sniffling in a hidden alcove. He was holding his face in his hands as he tried to stop thinking about what he had just learned. The problem was, he couldn't. He loved Michael and thought that the devil loved him back as well, but learning that the whole reason he even met Michael was because of a deal made with his father made him feel uncertain. Did Michael actually love him or was this just a way to fulfill his own deal?

He ignored all the maids calling for him as he continued to cry. He didn't want to see them, or his parents, at the moment. IF there was anyone he actually wanted to see it would be Michael, and that was only to get some answers. But even so, for now, he wanted to be by himself to cry. 

He didn't know how long he had sat in that alcove crying when a cloud of smoke puffed into existence in front of him. Before it had even cleared though, two hands were clasping his own and even through the smoke, he could clearly see crimson red eyes in front of him. He yanked his hands away, turning so that he didn't have to face Michael.

"Pierre, please just let me explain." Michael asked, his tone almost sounded pleading. 

"Explain then." Pierre said, still not looking at Michael. 

"Yes it's true that your father did make a deal with me to keep you safe-"

"So this was all to fulfill some stupid deal?" Pierre asked quietly. Michael's eyes went wide before he hugged Pierre tightly and said. "No! Let me finish."

He finally turned to look Michael in the eye as the devil took a deep breath and started explaining properly. 

"Yes I did make a deal with your father, but I made that deal months before I even met with you in person. For a while, I just watched you, as per part of the deal, to make sure you were safe, and it never even crossed my mind to approach you. But as I watched over you, I slowly began to notice more and more about you and I soon found myself growing feelings for you. So I decided to approach you at the ball in secret and, after dancing with you, I knew that my feelings were true. From there on out, the deal I made with your father was a secondary reason to want to protect you, the more important reason being that I love you with my entire being."

Pierre was silent for a moment before he asked. "Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"Honestly, it never crossed my mind that I needed to tell you, though now I can see why I should have." Michael told him as he took his hands in his own. "Will you forgive me for not telling you, my lovely? Please?"

Pierre thought about it for a moment before he smiled gently at Michael and said. "I'll forgive you, if there aren't any other deals you've made regarding me."

"Only the one to make you immortal when we've reached that point in our relationship, which I already told you about." Michael told him and Pierre nodded before leaning forward to kiss the devil. Michael happily deepened the kiss as he held Pierre close. 

When they parted for air, they just sat there for a moment, before Pierre commented. "I'm surprised it took you so long to find me, especially considering that you used the smoke to do so in the end."

"I may have had a few words with your parents before I came to find you." Michael said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Oh?" Pierre asked raising an eyebrow. 

"Yes, it took a few minutes before I could get away from them to come to find you." Michael nodded before adding. "By the way, your mother is fine with us."

"Really?" Pierre was surprised at that but then he realized that Michael had just mentioned his mother. "What about Father?"

Michael sighed and told him. "He stormed out soon after you left, and he did not sound happy. Your mother, on the other hand, seemed to be fine with it after I explained that I truly did love you."

"Sounds like Mother." Pierre smiled softly as he cuddled closer to Michael. 

"She also invited me for dinner one night, and don't worry, she said she would talk to your father." Michael decided to add. 

"That's good." 

"It is." 

They sat in silence for a moment before Michael asked. "Do you want to go out yet or would you rather stay here?"

"I would rather stay here." Pierre told him and Michael nodded. The couple just held each other in a comfortable silence. Before long they fell asleep like that, with their arms wrapped around each other, ignoring the calls of maids from the outside world as they dreamed of the other. 

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