Chapter 6: The Devil May Care

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When the devil summoned him for something, Pierre may not have known what it was about, but he figured it was probably just another task for him to do. He entered the tavern that Michael had asked to meet him at only for the devil to grab him by the shoulders. He stared up at him in shock only for Michael to ask.

"I have two questions for you, Pierre, and I want honest answers to both of them. I will know if you lie."

He nodded hesitantly.

"First question, why have you been avoiding me? Second question: I saw you crying the other day, who made you cry?" Michael demanded to know. Pierre remained quiet, making Michael tighten his grip. "Pierre, may I remind you that you are my servant. You will do as you are told and you will answer my questions."

Pierre shuddered at the thought but he didn't want to speak. He didn't want to share his feelings yet but... he had an idea.

"I was crying due to my own thoughts, no one made me cry." He told the devil and to be honest, that was the truth. The Imp hadn't made him cry, he had only stirred up the thoughts that caused him to cry.

"Oh? And what thoughts are these?" Michael asked raising an eyebrow. He was silent for a moment before he decided to go with the safest answer he could think of. "Just some lost dreams..."

"Lost dreams?" Michael asked in a disbelieving tone. "What makes them 'lost'?"

"They're lost because they're not going to happen and I have to learn to accept that." He said looking down sadly.

He was surprised when he was suddenly released. He looked up at Michael in surprise even as he saw the other with an upset look on his face for a split second before it went back to his usual calm expression. There was silence between the two before Michael said. "Go."

"What?" Pierre asked in surprise.

"I said go!" Michael nearly yelled this time. "I'm no longer in need of your services so just go."


"Just go!" Michael said and Pierre finally took the hint. He took a few steps back from the devil before he turned and left, tears starting to fall more and more the further he walked away from Michael.

Similarily, tears had started to fall down the devil's face for the first time in millennia. 

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