Chapter 12: What the Devil is He Talking About?

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"Come on, Michael, it'll be fine." Pierre said trying to get the stubborn devil to move. 

When Pierre had originally let slip to his parents about his and Michael's failed first date (though they had had a second first date that had gone without any interruptions), his parents had nearly demanded to meet him. The only reason they hadn't met him when they were about to go on their first date was because Pierre was too frustrated with the maids to deal with his parents. Now, however, they were insistent on either meeting him or having Pierre break up with him on the basis that "We don't know him, therefore, we don't trust him with you." And breaking up with Michael wasn't an option. 

Now if only the devil would agree to it!

"You really think that your parents will be ok with you dating the literal devil?" Michael asked raising an eyebrow. 

"One: They don't know that part. Two: Even if they did know that part, they'd be cool with it as long as I was happy." Here Michael snorted and said. "Pierre, no sane parent wants their kid to be dating the devil. They are not going to be 'cool' with us dating."

"Your dad's ok with us dating even though I'm mortal." Pierre pointed out. 

"There are several ways that someone can be made immortal so that point is irrelevant." Michael shook his head. 

"Please?" He asked looking up at the devil with huge golden puppy-dog eyes.

Michael took one look at the huge golden eyes and froze. He stared for a moment before he sighed and nodded. Pierre grinned in triumph before leaning up to kiss the devil's cheek.

"Thank you." He told him quietly.

"Anything for my lovely." Michael said as he pulled Pierre in for a proper kiss before picking him up bridal style. Pierre yelped once more but didn't protest since he knew what Michael was about to do. 

They disappeared in a cloud of smoke to reappear in front of Pierre's parents' study. The young prince walked to the doors, both eager and apprehensive (just because he wasn't sure if his parents would actually like Michael). He turned back to Michael only for the devil to give him a comforting smile. With that smile in mind, Pierre opened the doors and greeted his parents who were working. 

"Mother! Father!" He greeted cheerily and his parents both turned to greet him. "Good evening, Pierre, did you need us for something?"

"I just wanted to introduce you to my boyfriend." That made both of his parents' eyes widen as his mother squealed. "Oh yes! I finally get to meet the man my baby fell for!"

His father looked excited as well so he turned towards the door and called. "Michael, you can come in now!"

Michael walked into the room and suddenly the study was dead silent. Pierre was surprised at this as he looked at his parents, whose faces had turned from excited to horrified in a single moment. He was confused and so looked to Michael who had an uneasy look on his face.

Finally, his father growled and said. "We asked you to protect our son, not seduce him!"

"What?" Pierre exclaimed in shock, looking between his parents and Michael in confusion. "Michael, what is he talking about?"

Before Michael could even begin to answer, his father interrupted. "When the tensions started rising for the war, we used one of the ancient summoning rituals to make a deal with him. You are our only heir,  we wanted you safe and thus made a deal with this devil. So that he would keep you safe. Not seduce you."

"You- wha-" Pierre was shocked. As his mind tried to process this new information, a new thought played across his mind. Was the only reason Michael had gotten close to him because of this deal his parents made?

This thought nearly brought tears to his eyes and, before even Michael could think to stop him, he was running from the room. He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to get away from the whole situation. 

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