Chapter 17: The Devil May Cry

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AN: I'm not describing Pierre's death from his point of view, so it's not gonna be his POV this time.

Michael was discussing some business with his imp when he felt it, a jolt coursing through his body, causing him to stop midsentence. 

"Sir?" The Imp asked when he stopped. 

"Pierre." Michael breathed out in shock and slight fear. David's eyes went wide as he thought. Oh no... Before the devil was teleporting away in a cloud of smoke. 

When Michael arrived at Pierre's bedside, he was aghast to see the condition his lover was in. Without him actively hiding it, Pierre looked like death warmed over. He rushed over to his side and put a hand over his heart. There was no heartbeat. Just a cold empty silence. 

Michael stared at his lover's body for a moment before letting out a cry of anguish. Gripping the other's hands in his own, he noticed the skin around his fingers and felt sick. The black plague. His lover had... why hadn't Pierre told him? He'd have to have had this for at least two weeks to... from it. So why hadn't he told him? 

Gosh, dangit if he had told him he would've gone on with his proposal idea sooner than planned. Then his beloved would have been immortal and this wouldn't have happened. But it had. Now his beloved was... 

Tears started to run down his face. He wished he could have stopped this. He wished the other had told him. He wished... he wished... wait. He had an idea. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. He turned to go do it himself, only to be surprisingly pleased as his imp showed up. 

"Sir- is that Pierre?" David asked, faking his shock so that the devil wouldn't question why he wasn't. 

"Yes, it is, which is why I need you to go to my library and get the book Ritualia Involvente Mortuis and be quick." While David's eyes did widen in surprise at that, he hurriedly disappeared to the devil's library. 

Michael waited impatiently. His imp had better hurry up, every second wasted increased the chance of the ritual being unsuccessful. 

He would have his love back. One way or another. 

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