Chapter 20: Contract with the Devil

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Pierre couldn't take it anymore. 

Ever since Michael had brought him back to life, he had felt empty. At first, it was just moderately uncomfortable but the longer that time went on, the more he craved to be back where he belonged. Dead. 

It wasn't a good thing, and he hadn't dared told Michael yet, but he craved death. Especially since he had realized that while his soul was with his body, his body wasn't acting as if it still had a soul. Sure it listened to his commands but... it was as if his body had been put into the ground. His skin was sagging slightly and he could tell that his organs weren't... working, his heart being the most obvious one. 

Finally though, after two weeks of living like this, he was done. He couldn't live like this. 

He used the card to transport himself to Hell, to take himself to Michael. His beloved looked up when he entered the room and asked. "Ah, Pierre! How have you been my lovely?"

He bit his lip. He didn't know how to respond to that. Well he knew his response but... he knew that Michael wouldn't like it. Then again, Michael wouldn't like anything that he was about to tell/ask him. 

His lack of response caused Michael to stand up from his desk and walk over to him. As the devil hugged his lover, he asked gently. "What's wrong my lovely?"

Pierre took a deep breath before stepping back from the man he loved. He knew that this was going to hurt him but... he couldn't live like this anymore. 

"Reap me."

"Excuse me?" Michael asked, his eyes going wide.

"Reap. Me." Pierre repeated. 

"I don't... why?" Michael asked, looking at him in shock. "After everything that happened? Why would you want to be reaped?"

Pierre took a deep breath before explaining. "You don't know what it's like to live like this, Michael, its like I'm constantly fighting an emptiness inside that can't be filled. Not to mention, I can feel my body starting to decompose... and it's not pleasant. Please, Michael, reap me."

Michael stared at him and he could see the confliction in his eyes. He knew the argument going on in his head. Reap him and lose his queen or keep him alive and in an uncomfortable situation. And looking at him, Pierre knew that Michael wouldn't be able to make the choice. 

Taking Michael's hands in his own, he asked. "Please, Michael, reap me and move on."

"Move on? MOVE ON?" Michael ripped his hands away and stared at him. "Pierre, in all the time, I've been alive, I have never fallen in love with someone like I have you. I've been alive for millennia, Pierre! And you say to just... move on?"

Pierre could see the pain in his eyes and he got an idea. An idea that could backfire, but it could also mean peace for both of them. Well... at least eventually. 

"Michael." The devil looked at him. "Can you give me a blank piece of parchment?"

The devil looked confused but went over to his desk and grabbed some blank parchment off his desk before handing it to his queen. Pierre grabbed a pen from the desk as well before starting to write while the devil looked at him in confusion. 

When he was finished, he handed the piece of parchment to Michael, who read it with wide eyes. 

Prince Pierre, otherwise known as the new Queen of Hell, will not be reaped for his soul until such as time that Michael, the King of Hell, has found new love. The King has four thousand years to do so in which time he will not remember his Queen. At the end of this time, if the king has done so, then the Queen's soul will be reaped and no memories will be restored.

The following clauses are also in place:

If the time runs out and the King has started to fall in love but is not completely in love, then the time will be extended until the time comes in which he has fallen completely in love.

If the time has run out and the King has not found love, then his memories of his queen will be restored.

Memories may also be restored at any point in time if the Queen wishes it.


x__Prince Pierre the Queen of Hell__


Michael read over the apparent contract before looking up at Pierre in shock. Partially because of the contract and partially because it was Pierre who had written it. 

"Your father informed me that as your queen, I have a right to make a few contracts here and there." Pierre addressed the first piece of confusion.

They were silent for a moment before Michael asked. "Do you really think that I'll find someone who I could love like I love you?"

"With time and without the memories, I believe you could." Pierre said putting a hand to his cheek. 

"I... I'm not sure about this." Michael said as he looked down at the contract. 

"Please Michael." He begged.

The devil looked at him for a moment before he sighed. Looking into his queen's eyes, he told him. "While I may not remember you, my lovely, always know that I love you."

"I love you too." Pierre said as tears started to well up in his own eyes. 

With another sigh and one last look at his lovely, Michael signed the contract. 

End of Book One

AN: Yes this is the end of the story. But don't worry, there will be a second book, I may not have started work on it yet, but the idea is there so don't worry!

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