Chapter 16: What He Doesn't Know Can't Hurt Him

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He lied.

He hadn't meant to lie. That was never his intention. But he had truly believed that he had only had a cold. He hadn't. He wasn't even sure what he had at first. All he knew was as the weeks went by, he had steadily gotten worse and worse. He had even had to hide his condition from Michael, but then again, he was pretty much the only person he did not want to find out under any circumstances so he was the main person he hid his condition from. 

At one point, David had caught on and had begged him to tell Michael. If anyone could help, it would be him. But Pierre had refused and had made David agree not to as well. The imp didn't understand why at first until Pierre finally told him the fourth time he asked. 

"He won't be able to do anything." 

"Huh?" David asked in shock. "Now you listen here, Satan-sama could definitely find something to cure you with-"

"The nurses identified what it was the other day." Pierre cut him off. "And I know enough about Michael's work to know... he can't cure this."

"What do you mean he can't cure this, he can cure anythi-" "He can't cure the plague, David, surely even you know that." 

David stared at him in shock for a moment before saying in a stuttering voice. "Y-you're lying r-right? T-there's no way y-you caught the p-plague. You've only been c-coughing. You'd have to have more s-symptoms than that."

"I wish I was lying, David." The Imp stopped, this was the first time Pierre had ever used his actual name. Everyone, including Pierre, called him Imp. He honestly didn't mind but the fact that he used his actual name helped the Imp to fully register the situation. 

"... We need to tell the boss, Pierre, you're going to die-"

"You think I don't know that?" Pierre interrupted, his tone harsh before going soft as he said. "I... don't want to worry him when I know that there's literally nothing he can do."

David stared at the prince for a moment before asking. "You do remember what I told you right?"

"Do you think I want to die like this?" Pierre asked quietly as tears started to run down his cheeks. " At least this way, he can be blissfully unaware that I'm dying and he can't do anything."

"He could do something!" David explained but he and Pierre both knew that that was a lie. 

Silence filled the room until David said. "He's gonna find out soon, Pierre."

"He'll find out when I'm dead." Pierre told him before adding. "I'm not going to let him find out before."

"Do you really think you can lie to the devil?" David asked after a moment.

"What do you think I've been doing?" Pierre sighed before adding. "It may not be easy lying to him, hiding it from him, but... I can't let him know."

"I still think-"

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him." Pierre cut him off and the imp could only stare at him as he thought to himself. <But soon, he's gonna know.>

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