Chapter 7: Fearful

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AN: I told myself I would stop doing double updates... but here we are. Hope you guys enjoy Chapter 7!

Pierre felt numb. Why had Michael just sent him away like that? 'No longer in need of your services'? Why would... did Michael release him of his servanthood? That's what it sounded like. But why? 

His eyes widened and he slumped to the ground as a horrible thought hit him. If Michael had indeed released him from his services, then would he ever see him again? The thought of never seeing him again nearly broke his heart. 

He almost turned to go back into the tavern but thought better of it. Going back would only make Michael angry and he didn't want that. Instead, he just sat there on the ground as he tried to stop the tears from pouring down his cheeks.

He didn't know how long he had sat there until he suddenly heard voices. He started to look up only to gasp as his mouth was covered.

"Lookie what we got here, Jerry." The one who had a hand over his mouth said to the other.

"I see, Swiss, I too am wondering what our fair prince is doing out here." The man replied sneering at him before saying. "Though the real question is what we should do with him..."

The man looked at him with a large smile as he said. "How much do you think someone would pay for the prince himself?"

Pierre's eyes went wide with fear. They were going to sell him? He tried to struggle away only to feel a knife to his throat. 

"Now now, little prince, we wouldn't want to be hasty would we hmm?" The man said as he held the knife against his skin. He stopped moving. He almost stopped breathing from how much fear he was feeling. He didn't know what to do.

All he could do was stay still and pray in his head as hot tears flowed down his face. At first, he prayed to God... but then he realized he had a better option? Well, he didn't know if it was a better option but he thought it was more likely that he would get a response out of the second option. He started saying silent prayers to the devil that he would get out of this alive and well. Even if Michael didn't care about him, it was the most logical option he had...

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