Chapter 15: I'm Fine

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Pierre was sat in the library reading. Every once in a while, he would start coughing but he just seemed to ignore it. He had been coughing a lot since that day he had met up with Michael in his office. He didn't know why but he honestly wasn't too concerned. 

It was just a little cough after all. Probably just a cold or something.

Just as Pierre was flipping another page in his book, a cloud of smoke appeared in the room, making him cough quite a bit. As the smoke cleared, he could see that it was just David, though he was still coughing from smoke inhalation. 

The imp opened his mouth to speak but closed it instead when he saw how much Pierre was coughing. "Are you alright?"

Pierre finally managed to catch his breath and told the imp. "I'm fine, I just swallowed a bit of smoke when you came in."

David stared at him for a moment before nodding once. "If that's all then, I came here to speak about a few things that his highness, the original devil wished to inform you about since you are getting rather close to his son so-"

Before David could continue speaking, Pierre went into another coughing fit. This time, however, the imp could clearly see that it wasn't because of the smoke. With a frown, the imp walked forward to look him in the eye before asking. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine *cough* I just caught a cold, its nothing really." Pierre tried to reassure the imp. 

"People don't cough that much when they catch a cold, Pierre." David pointed out. "You should probably get yourself looked over, maybe ask the boss-"

"It's just a cold, Imp, yes maybe it is a bad one but its only a cold." Pierre told the devil's PA sternly. "Therefore, there's no reason to worry Michael over it.

The Imp stared at him for a moment. "I'm sure the boss would want to know about it-"

"That would just make him worry." Pierre cut him off once more. "You know how he is. He doesn't need to worry about me over something as simple as this, so just leave it alone."

The imp stared at him for a moment before he sighed and said. "Alright. But I'm going to check in on you. Like I said before, if you died, especially when it could've been prevented, the boss would go berserk."

Pierre sighed. "I know, but really I'm fine."

The Imp stared at him for a moment before nodding once and going back to what he was saying before. Pierre's thoughts were only half on what he was saying, however, as he suddenly felt a foreboding feeling inside. 

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