Chapter 9: For the Love of the Devil

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After just holding each other for a moment, Michael pulled away and examined Pierre once more, his eyes nearly glowing with anger upon seeing a small scratch against Pierre's neck. Their punishment would truly be torturous.

"Michael?" Pierre asked the devil. The burning look in Michael's eyes was honestly terrifying when it was turned in your direction. Even if he was pretty sure Michael wouldn't hurt him after that display, it was still a scary look.

Michael's eyes snapped to look into his own, instantly softening from their rage. "You are alright, yes? Aside from this." He gestured at the scratch.

"I'm fine, still a little shaken but fine." He told him with a reassuring smile.

"Thank Hell." Michael sighed in relief. "If you had died, I would've had to resurrect you. And resurrection materials are not an easy thing to get ahold of."

He was silent for a moment before he asked. "...Why would you want to resurrect me?"

"Who would I-" Michael cut himself off as he stared at Pierre in the eyes. "Pierre, how many people do you think I actually answer without them having a summoning circle to aid them?"

When Pierre just looked at him unsure, he sighed and said. "I can say with 100% certainty that you are the first person I've actually answered."

"Wha- Why me?" Pierre asked in shock.

"Honestly, I thought I had made it obvious by now." Michael said as he lifted Pierre's chin up so that their lips were almost touching. "I have feelings for you."

Pierre could only stare at him in shock. The devil had feelings for him? But he had wanted him to go away... He wasn't... why would... he couldn't believe it.

"But- but you told me to go away! You said-" Michael cut him off. "I know what I said."

"Then why?" Pierre asked.

"Because while I may be the devil, I am not going to force the one I love to stay by my side if it makes you unhappy." Michael told him.

"Wha-? Why would you think that I was unhappy?" Pierre asked in confusion.

"Because its clear to me that whatever your dreams were, they weren't going to be accomplished as my servant. And if those dreams are enough to make you cry, then I'd rather see you fulfill them and be happy then stay with me and be unhappy." Michael said looking away for the first time.

Pierre could only stare at Michael for a moment before he realized what Michael meant. Reaching out, Pierre gently took Michael's hands in his own, making Michael look up at him in surprise.

"While you are right that my dreams wouldn't have been accomplished as your servant..." Michael started to look away again only for his head to snap back to Pierre's as he finished. "The main reason I thought my dreams wouldn't happen is that I was certain you would never want me as anything other than your servant."

Michael was silent for a moment before he said. "... I took that very wrong."

"Yes, you did." Pierre agreed.

"I can make up for it, however." Before Pierre could even ask what he meant, Michael sealed their lips into a kiss.

Pierre was frozen shock still for but a moment before he was kissing back. They kissed for only a few moments before Michael pulled back, leaving him in a slight daze. When the prince finally recovered enough to look back at Michael, he could clearly see the devil smirking at him.


"Oh, nothing." Michael said with that teasing smirk still clearly on his face. Pierre could only send him a small glare that had the devil chuckling as he said. "That was a very nice kiss, my lovely."

Pierre instantly blushed at the nickname, making Michael chuckle even more. The devil had a nice grip on his waist as he held him close. Then Michael leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "So would you, my lovely, mind accompanying me on a date?"

"Of course I would." Pierre agreed almost instantly, the blush still prominent on his cheeks.

Michael grinned before leaning forward to steal another kiss which Pierre happily gave. 

AN: SOOOOO I have a little poll for you guys. As said in this chapter, Michael and Pierre have a date. However, you guys know me, something unexpected has to happen. So I'm planning a little... disruption. Now your guys' job is to decide what the disruption will be because I can't choose (and yes I know you'd rather it be a smooth date but when does that ever happen?)

So what should the disruption be? 

A revelation of information that will stun Pierre


A certain someone interrupting their date

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bai!

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