Chapter 18: The Queen of Hell

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As soon as David had brought the book back, Michael was flipping through the pages of the book rapid-fire until finally landing on the page he wanted. There it was, a ritual that could bring his love back. It had to bring his love back. It had to. Sure, he was missing an ingredient but it didn't really matter did it? He was the King of Hell. It didn't matter. 

He started preparing the ritual as soon as he had all the information needed. It was rushed preparations of course but the longer he waited, the greater the chance that something could go wrong. That was the one thing he couldn't afford. Especially since it was the man he loved. 

As soon as he finished the preparations, he started the chants that would bring his love back. But before he could get very far, he felt a presence behind him. He didn't pay it any mind until he felt the hand on his shoulder. 

Michael spun around to be met with the gaze of his father. 

"What is it, Father?" He demanded to know.

"Michael, this won't work." His father told him, gesturing to the ritual circle.

"It has to work! It has to." Michael said, starting to turn around to go back to the ritual, but his father grabbed his shoulder and told him. "Michael, you're missing an ingredient, not only that, but you're missing the main ingredient. It won't work."

"I don't have time to go look for another fallen angel and get their blood!" Michael told him with a glare. "What do you suppose I do?"

His father sighed before he snapped his fingers and another book appeared in his grip. Michael couldn't read the title, which surprised him as he knew pretty much every language there was. His father started flipping through the book before landing on a specific page. 

"This ritual will make up for the lack of that ingredient." His father told him and he hurriedly grabbed the book in his hands. 

It was much the same as the ritual he had attempted. Though his brow furrowed when he came to a certain passage. 

"It says that the person must be high up in the Court of Hell but... Pierre isn't." He looked up at his father with a lost look. 

"Michael, what have you been carrying in your pocket for the last week and a half?" His father asked and Michael's eyes went wide. "But-"

"I already told you the ritual to make him your queen officially would take place before you were wed to prevent assassination attempts." His father reminded him. 

Hearing those words sent a surge of hope through his chest. He now rushed to get the first ritual complete so that he could do the second one. 

Soon he would have his queen back. 

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