Zeriyah Nil-Ak

636 19 10

August 7th 2017

Zeriyah didn't understand.

She didn't understand why no one saw her, why she kept wandering the streets of Earth without being able to touch the walls, why the words she spoke went unnoticed by the inhabitants of the village known as National City. Forming words in the language known as English was already difficult, but her efforts didn't matter as the very sounds she made seemed to rain upon deaf ears.

Zeriyah just didn't understand.

The more she thought and the more she wondered, the more she was convinced it had something to do with her brief imprisonment in that dark echoing space that she had woken up in.

With a bright light shining in her eyes directly from above and with a leather band across her navel that was too tight and across both her wrists, she had almost started panicking. But she had calmed herself and used her limited knowledge of the strange new abilities she'd been blessed with under the Earth's yellow sun to turn her wrists into liquid form; slipping them past the straps on her arms and finally freeing herself. But as she'd risen to her feet, she'd heard footsteps approaching and decided to use her liquid form over her entire body. Despite never having done it before and despite her fear of how it might affect her unborn child.

But since the instruments on display had made it very clear that she was not going to come out of this place in one piece, she'd taken the risk. And as a pool of unshaped liquid, she'd slid away to the exit and past all the running humans bearing weapons, vaguely registering the writing on the walls as she did so. And despite still being very new to human scriptures, the dark building's aura of death caused the letters on the wall to be burned into her memory: CADMUS

She didn't remember much after that.

She knows she was able to get away, that she'd returned to her solid form. That she'd been walking through the dark streets while looking over her shoulder in fear. But she'd been dizzy, her vision unfocused, her limbs unresponsive as if they weren't aware that they were no longer in liquid form. She wasn't sure how long it was until she lost consciousness.

She remembers waking up in the human's house of healing, 'The Hospital', as they called it here, the building just the way she remembered it from the last time she'd been there. She remembers the shock she felt when she approached one of the healers dressed in white and the human had walked right through her. She couldn't understand how that was possible. She couldn't understand why no one saw her. Whereas her skin colour would usually attract many a stare, now she was being completely ignored.

Zeriyah just didn't understand.

Even now, five Earthly days after waking up in this phantom state, she still didn't understand. Walking down streets, with people passing her by from both directions while no one seemed able to register her presence, she still didn't understand. She wondered if this would last forever. If she was doomed to wander aimlessly in this illusion of an existence, never knowing why, never knowing what had become of her child.

But in the late afternoon, the sun still high up in the sky just as she'd been told was customary in the time period known as 'summer', her body had buzzed with a strange sensation. She'd looked down at herself, only to feel that strange sensation again and seeing that it was turning her body into something strange. It looked like the image that would appear on her neighbour's 'Television' right before the human would utter Earthly curse words and slam his hand against the side of it, restoring the virtual images to how they were. But before Zeriyah could wonder why she was turning into a Television, the strange sensation took over her body for a third time, except now her vision turned to black, her body twisted around in a way she had only experienced when she'd turned completely into liquid form and then she felt a shock, as if she had landed on a soft surface.

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