XVIII- the mother

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"This is me." Yvonne said as she opened that door to her apartment. It was the same size as (Y/n)'s, despite being shared by two people and was significantly more old in appearance. "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess right now... and all the time."

"It's fine." (Y/n) reassured her.

"I suppose you should come and meet the head of the house." Yvonne said with a smile, taking (Y/n) into her mother's room. "This shouldn't take too long, she'll be asleep within the hour."

Yvonne creaked the door open and beckoned (Y/n) to follow her inside. "Hi, mom." She said softly.

"Hello... um..." The bed ridden woman was thin and pale, she had thinning brown hair with more than a hint of grey. Her eyes were sunken in and various rashes appeared on her body.

"Yvonne." Yvonne finished up her name. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel so awful for both women in this situation.

"Yes, Yvonne, I was almost there that time." The older woman's horse voice sounded again.

"Have you eaten yet?" Yvonne went over to her mother's bedside, pulling her mother up slightly to plump the pillow beneath her head.

"Yes, the nice lady gave me food before she left."

"That was Sadie, your nurse." The younger woman informed, smoothing over the blanket. "Oh and this is (Y/n), she's my... friend. (Y/n), this is my mom, Amelia."

(Y/n) stayed in her place but waved at Amelia. "It's nice to meet you."

Amelia only stared at the newcomer. "Maybe you should get some sleep." Yvonne suggested, feeling embarrassed by her mother's behaviour even if she knew it wasn't her fault.

Before (Y/n) could protest, Yvonne had already switched off the lights and was guiding her out of the room. "Forgive her for that she-"

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I can leave if you'd rather be alone with her." (Y/n) looked concerned at her friend.

"No, stay... I'd really like you to stay... if you want to."

(Y/n) took Yvonne's hand comfortingly. "I want to."

"You know you're the first one of my friends to meet my mom, since she got sick, that is." Yvonne explained. "I was just so scared of what people would say about how she looked or how she acted."

"I promise you, no one worth your while will be mean to your mom."

"No to her face, I'm scared of what their gonna say behind her back... I don't know, it's stupid but I don't know what I'd do if I ever heard someone say something like that about her. She's the kindest woman I've ever met and no one knows that." Yvonne kicked at the ground miserably. "Now she just doesn't know me and won't talk to anyone else."

"Let me speak to her." (Y/n) said, out of the blue. "I want to meet her."

Yvonne bit the inside of her cheek, unsure. She glanced from (Y/n) to Amelia's door.

"...fine, but she probably won't say anything to you."

"I know, it's just," (Y/n) paused. "You clearly love her a lot and I want to meet her."

"I do love her." Yvonne gained a small sincere smile. "Alright, come in."

The two women walked back into Amelia's room.

"I'll stand over here, just make sure everything's okay." Yvonne walked to the corner, giving (Y/n) space to sit beside Amelia's bed.

(Y/n) approached slowly. "Hello, Amelia."

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