The Prince and Me part 16

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     3rd person pov
   Surprisingly Jimin replied to Claire's letter but instead of writing a cheerful yes with an exclamation mark he replied with a no.
    Claire was sad to see this as a reply but respected Jimin's decision. If she was ever in his position she knew she would say the same thing so she let the normal palace days go by and sooner than later it's her bachelorette party.
    And most people might think royals don't experience the freedoms before a wedding like bachelor or bachelorette parties. But it is the royals after it's not a surprise most things like this are a secret.
    These parties aren't far off from normal parties with lots of drinking and dancing. However, for the bachelors of the night things are a little different. There is this insanely weird tradition when someone in the royal family gets married and if they are a boy.
     On the night of the bachelor party there is no drinking or dancing instead all the royal bachelors including the groom for the wedding sneak out into the villages in the kingdom and sightseeing themselves as normal people or at least they try to act and look normal.
        Sometimes they meet really pretty ladies and they eventually get married in the future. But the only on Jungkook's mind is that if he goes out. He won't be alone this time...there will be other people, other royals....what if he sees Jimin....what will he do then?

-to be continued-

Word count: 256

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