The Prince and Me part 18

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Jungkook pov:
I quickly run to my chambers only to find a soft and white sheet of paper laying on my dresser.
"This must be Jimin's letter."
I gently open it making sure not to damage or tear the fragile paper. Once the seal has been teared I notice Jimin's beautiful handwriting only to say:

Dear Jungkook,
I know you've been very busy lately. Especially,since you have to prepare for the big royal wedding.
But I hope you live a good life. I hope you become a great king. I hope you become known as a great ruler for many generations to come. But if there's one thing I hope the most, would be the fact that you love me.
Because Jungkook if it isn't already obvious I love you okay. I love everything about you. You just stress me out so many times that my heart even goes crazy as well.
You won't have to worry anymore though because I'll be leaving soon. I don't where but I want to travel to the world. There must be more to life than staying in this kingdom for the rest of my life right?
So goodbye Jungkook...and you better live a good life because I might be leaving but you're still the boy I fell in love with. The one and only Prince Jungkook of Faith kingdom

                      To be continued

Word count: 237

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