The Prince and Me part 20

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  3rd person pov

    With those last words the queen exited the palace gates. Leaving her once loving relationship with her to son to be then transformed into a pit of disgust and shame. However, once she left, the prince was quick to disobey her orders. Because this might just be his last chance at love....true love.
And so, as Jungkook runs through the villages making his way to the port. He feels many stares and glares directed towards him. But that didn't matter anymore 'cause the only thing that mattered right now to him...was Jimin.
Then, all of a sudden a storm of guards rushed after Jungkook. The whole scene resembles a stampede but in this case it's with royals and nobles. Which was certainly astonishing to the ordinary people of the kingdom. Too bad for the guards though...for our dear prince has already reached the port.
Once Jungkook arrived at the port he noticed it was oddly quiet. Since it's usually filled with the rustling and bustling of people traveling and fisherman waiting to get their next catch. With this eerie feeling following him, Jimin was nowhere to be found. Not a single soul was there except the prince and his broken heart.

Time skip

10 years has now passed since that unforgettable incident for the prince, or should I now say the king. Since then the construction for all the houses in the village was completed and everyone was happy to move into their new home funded by the royal family. The Queen also stepped down from the royal title for her son Jungkook to inherit the throne. His majesty Jungkook ruling beside her majesty Claire went on to have 3 children whose names are Claude, Amelia, and last but not least Maxwell.
They're certainly a loving family to the eyes of the public. But behind the scenes his majesty often day dreams about his first love and what could've happened.

"Ah, yes maxwell, what is it son?"
"You have a letter father! Except this sender's name is not familiar to me."
His majesty's eyes lit up in shock.
"Umm, would you please let me see it son."
"Of course, father." Maxwell says before he leaves to play with all the other kids outside.

As Jungkook reads the senders name. He also notices it's not familiar to him either. Even though the letter was addressed to him he doesn't know anybody by the name Hana Goodwind.

-the letter-

Dear King of the Faith kingdom,

You must be wondering why a random stranger is sending you this letter. But I have urgent news to tell you, your majesty. While I was in my friends house, I noticed these letters addressed to you that were never sent. And please excuse my nosy self...for I went through those letteres and discovered things I never knew. So if you still remember you must already know that my friend was your first love Jimin. And your majesty please don't think I would ever blackmail you with these letters, because I'm sure you mattered a great deal to Jimin. And so that's why I'm here to inform you on everything that's happened. It's probably not right to do so since you have a family now but something inside of me just believes you should know as well. Five years ago, Jimin suffered from a heart attack late at night which resulted in him passing away. Even writing this down still brings tears to my eye. But judging from what you and Jimin had. I genuinely say that your majesty and my dear friend had a beautiful relationship. And I'm sure he's watching over you right now.

P.s. Along with my letter I have also sent Jimin's unsent letters.

Hana Goodwind

As he reads the letters Jungkook breaks down in tears thinking that the person he once loved has passed away. As it was written in Jimin's unsent letters he clearly still loved Jungkook but knew in his heart that they could never be together. Reading this, Jungkook's heart broke once again. This time his wails could be heard throughout the whole palace. Shocking all of the servants and family members. He even loses his balance only to fall to the floor and sob while the once blue sky behind him seen through the window also turns into a dismal scenery which then cry's tears as well.

The End

Authors note: Hi everybody! I know it's been awhile since my last update to this story and I'm very sorry. And I even originally planned to update this chapter last December but of course laziness and worrying about school exams played a big part in delaying that too. And since I'm starting to get more work for school since 2nd semester is currently starting. I'm not gonna promise another quick update cause it might take me awhile. So I hope you can all be patient for Chapter 21 which will be the happy ending. Also I would like to thank everyone whose supported this story and I hope you liked this ending. I know it's very sad so haha sorry once again. Anyways, to all the readers who aren't gonna read Chapter 21 thank you for reading my story! I really appreciate all the attention and enjoy reading the comments y'all post. Now I hope you have a wonderful day and see you next time✨

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