What now......

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Izuku Midoryia

I got my mum to take me. I don't know what I could possibly be sick with. "Miss (l/n)." We were called. I walked up, my mum trailing behind me.

~Time Skip~

"Alright. Vitals seem lovely. Now I need to ask you a few questions." The doctor spoke. Thankfully, she's a girl. "Alright." I complied. "Symptoms?" I told her about all the puking and random body aches. She wrote it all down. "Quirk?" I told he my quirk. "Alright. Not to get personal, but last period?" She asked. Oh no. I haven't been keeping track. "I-I...I honestly don't know. I've lost track." I spoke. She took note. "Well, I'd like to run a blood test and urine sample." She spoke and I complied again. My mum was worried in a corner. What is she thinking?

~Time Skip~

"Alright. I have your results. Now depending on your way of seeing it, this is good or bad." She spoke. I was confused. "You are 98.7% tested positive." She spoke. "I'm sorry, can you elaborate?" I asked not getting it. "Congratulations. Your pregnant." She spoke. What? I'm confused. me carrying Izuku's child?. "How far along?" My mum asked dangerously quiet. "About 2 weeks." Damn. "Thank you." We spoke and left. The drive home was quiet. "You have explaining to do." Was the only thing said.

Katsuki Bakugou

I went to the doctors alone. I was eventually called in though. They ran vitals and all.

~Time Skip~

"Alright. You seem healthy. However, I'd like to ask questions." My doctor spoke. Thankfully, she is a girl. "Go on." I edged nervously. I wish Katsuki were here. She started with asking for my quirk and symptoms. "Alright. Now, when was your last period?" She asked. Dammmmmnnn. I stutter. "I-I don't know. I can't remember. It's been awhile." I spoke. She nodded and took notes. "Well, I have an idea, but it can be good or bad depending one what kind of person you are. However, I'd like to run some test before I diagnose you." She spoke. I nodded.

~Time Skip~

Longest 10 minutes ever. "Well miss (l/n). Ready for results?" She asked. I nodded. "You tested 99.6% positive. Your pregnant. Congratulations!" She spoke. I was shocked. A child? In me? How? What will Katsuki think? I said thank you and left. I have a lot to explain to too many people.

Shoto Todoroki

Shoto was currently sitting in his room on his bed, with me laying in his lap. I was groaning and in pain from bad stomach aches and cramps. Shoto, being the sweetheart he is, was being a heating pack, rubbing my stomach with his left hand. I suddenly get up and run to his bathroom to let out my last meal. It wasn't even a meal. It was a small bowl of rice porridge. Shoto followed and held my hair back, soothing my back. I cried. "(Y/n), hun, please see the doctor. I'm worried." He spoke softly pulling a a few loose strands behind my ear. "Ok......I'll have my mom take me in....." I spoke, trying to smile, just before I had to puke again.

~Time Skip~

My mother brought me in. "So miss, what's the issue?" The doctor spoke. I told her everything. "Alright. I want to ask questions you have to answer completely honest." I nodded. My mothered eyed me with curiosity. I answered every question honestly. They took some blood, which I nearly fainted from, and came back 10 minutes later. "Miss (l/n). You tested 99.8% positive. Congratulations! Your pregnant." She spoke with a kind smile. My mother's eyes widened. So did mine. "It's that boy's huh? The Todoroki?" She questioned. I nodded. "Thanks miss." I spoke and we left. This can't be good.

Tenya Iida

Like I promised, I called in sick. I went to my appointment. I went with my mum because she takes me to all my doctor appointments. "Alright Tenya.....my mum is taking me today. Have a good day at school. You can just drop off any work at my house. Bye. Love you." I ended our call. He wanted to make sure I was actually going, even though he already knew I most likely would.

~Time Skip~

I was called in. I started to answer questions as my vitals were taken. "So, I want to run some test." The doctor spoke. I nodded. I had to do a urine test and a blood test. I had to wait 10 minutes. "(Y/n), I think I already know what the doctor is going to say." My mum spoke dangerously. "Why?" I asked. "I recognized some of your symptoms. And if it's what I think, I'm disappointed, but I trust you and that Iida kid." Was all she spoke. Why would she drag Tenya into this? I'm just sick, right? The doctor came back in. "Alright. Now, mrs. (L/n), I noticed you kind of though about this while your daughter answered the questions. I think you know what it is. Congratulations! You tested 99.7% positive." The doctor spoke with a smile. I looked at my mum. Her face had some disappointment, but quickly replaced it with a tiny smile. "Thank you. We will be taking our leave." She spoke and we left.

Eijiro Kiroshima

I walked alone to the doctors. I was called in immediately since it was a week day and was fairly quiet. "So, Let's get your vitals and symptoms taken down." My doctor spoke. I like her. She's awesome! She has been my family doctor since I was born! "Alright." I answered. She took my vitals. "Well, everything seems fine. Anything been going on these past days?" She asked. I nodded. "I've been throwing up a lot throughout the day. I tend to eat a little bit more. I noticed I gained a little weight, and it's not like it's noticeable through looking at me." I answered. "Well, was your period late?" She asked. I nodded. It skipped. "Well, I think I want to take some blood samples and urine." She spoke. I nodded.

~Time Skip~

10 minutes after testing, she came back in. "Results are in! You tested 100% positive for being pregnant! Also, your about a week and a half along." She spoke. I nodded. "I know you guys will probably tell my mum, but don't. I want to be the one to tell her." I spoke. "You got it. After all, its the law. Even if your mum asked us." She spoke having my back. I said thanks and we first bumped and I was out.

Denki Kaminari

Denki wanted to come with me. He found out I was going to he doctors and wanted to come. However, I didn't let him. I kind of have a feeling I know what's wrong. However, I don't trust those drug store test. I went alone too.

~Time Skip~

They got my results. "You tested 98.9% positive. Your pregnant." My doctor told me. I nodded. As I suspected. I told them thanks and left. Now I have to find a way to tell my people.

Hitoshi Shinso

I went to the doctors. It's different for me because I have an animal quirk. My doctors have to do more with me. "Alright. Let's get some blood test to see what the problem is." She spoke after she took down my symptoms.

~Time Skip~

She came back in. "Well (y/n), dear, your pregnant. You tested 99.8% positive." She spoke. I nodded. "Also, you are about 2 weeks along already. However, you are part cat. Cats have a gestation period of up to 58-67 days. Subtract that from a humans. Then the days you already been in. Your due in about 5-6 months. Therefore we can actually see the child. Mind if we go ahead and do an ultrasound?" They asked. I nodded. "Just don't tell me any genders. Yet. Put the genders on a recorded to send home with me." I spoke as I got situated. "As you say." My doctor covered for me. I smiled. She's nice. The gel was cold. She started running the thing over my abdomen. "Well, looks like theres two in there." She spoke. Woah.

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