Telling Them

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Izuku Midoryia

We walked to school like normal, everyday. However, before we walked on campus, I told him we had to talk. We got on campus and went to the school garden. "What is it (n/n)?" He asked. Worry laced his voice. He knows I've been under the weather, but he doesn't know why. His emerald orbs were scanning me frantically, worried and scared even. " know how I've been sick?" I started. He nodded. "Well.........I found out why." I stated. He smiled lightly. "Why then?" He asked, feeling better. "Well, it's just, I maybe, kinda, sorta, most definitely...........pregnant. And it's yours." I spoke shyly. His face went blank. He had no emotion. I was about to turn and cry. I felt his hand take mine and pulled me close. He was smiling, crying too. "Really? That's amazing! I'm upset it's so soon, but I'm more than happy to help!" He chimed. I smiled. "omg........I'm gonna be a DAD!" He got giddy. I smiled giggling, kissing his cheek. We headed to class. I feel he will be overprotective.

Katsuki Bakugou

I was scared. I had no clue how Kacchan will react. I told him to meet me at our spot at the beach. We met up. The sun barely starting to set. "What did you want? Also, did you ever find out what caused ya to be so damn sick?" He asked. His normal tone and profanity. I sighed. My hands clenched. "Katsuki. Promise nothing will change." I spoke. He was shocked. I never say his real name. He knows it's serious. "Okay." He said. His tone soft and serious. "Okay, so I found out why I'm sick. Turns out, your gonna be a dad......" I spoke softly, fear laced in my voice. Katsuki noticed how tense I was. He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get ya pregnant at this age. I promise to help you and love them as much as I love you." He then have my four head a little kiss. I cried into his chest and he comforted me. I've never had him be so gentle. But he makes me feel safe.

Shoto Todoroki

Shoto came to my place. I live on the beach pretty much. I basically own a cove. Anyway, we were on the sand, watching the waves. "Shoto.....I want to know, can you promise me that you won't ever stop loving me?" I asked. He nodded. "Of course. I have no reason to stop loving you." I nodded. "Well, I know why I'm sick." I added. Might as well tell him now. "Oh? Go on." He eases me. I sighed. I tense. My eyes water slightly. "I don't know how to tell you....." I spoke. Tears slowly fell. He turned me to face him and wiped the stray tears. "I promise I love you." He spoke. "I'm pregnant and it's yours...." I spoke. He looked me in the eyes before kissing my four head. "That's okay love. I promise to take care of you both." He spoke. "Your not mad?" I asked shocked. "No. Not at all. It was bound to happen." He spoke. I smiled knowing he would be a loving father.

Tenya Iida

Tenya came by to drop off homework. Before he left, I lead him to the back graden. "Tenya, I have news. Depending on how you take it, it can be good or bad." I started off. "After I tell you, I'd understand if your mad and hate me." I said. "Why would I hate you?" He asked looking down on me with a confused and worried expression. "Because........I'm pregnant with your child." I told him, tears brimming my eyes. He quickly wiped them. "I'm sorry I did this too you. It was irresponsible of me. I'll take full responsibility. I'll take care of you two." He said and pulled me into a hug. He then picked me, given the height difference. That went well, I trust him.

Eijiro Kiroshima

I called Kiri and told him to come over. My parents are out right now. I heard a knock at the door. I quickly answered and let Kiri in. "Hey, Eijiro, I have some life changing news. I hope you take it the good way, but it's more likely for it to be bad." I started. "Go on." He spoke, worry laced in his voice. "Well........I'm pregnant. And it's yours." I told him. He seemed to stare off for a while. I got nervous. He then scooped me up. "That's awesome!" He yelled. I giggled at his child like behavior. "I hope it's girl." He spoke as he kissed my stomach. I giggled.

Denki Kaminari

I called Kami over because I don't trust him not to tell people if I told him before class. "You needed something babe?" He asked with a smirk. I shook my head with a smile. "Yah, I just need to know what your answer is. You can either bail on me and leave me or stay with me and help." I spoke, showing signs of nervousness and fear. His face showed confusion. "What?" He asked. "I'm pregnant with you child Kami. And I understand if you hate me." I spoke quietly. He looked shocked. He smiled and hugged me gently. He gave me kisses. "That's amazing!!!!! This is amazing!" He yelled. I smiled. He got down on his knees and kissed my tummy. I giggled.

Hitoshi Shinso

I went over to his place. Aizawa answered the door. "Oh, (l/n), come in. Hitoshi is in his room." I smiled. Aizawa is like my second dad. He found out I started to date his son and was supportive. I walked to Hitoshi's room and knock. I heard a small come in. I went in and payed with Hitoshi. "Hey Tosh." I spoke. He smiled. "Hey kitten, what's up?" He asked. I payed facing the wall. "Ever find out what's wrong?" He asked. I nodded. "Yah, but you may not be happy. I know Aizawa won't be happy either." I spoke. I didn't look at him. "Well, I'll take it as best as possible. Jus know I won't leave you over anything." He pet my ears. I sighed and rolled to face him. My hands were instinctively on my stomach. He thought that was odd. "I'm pregnant and it's yours." I spoke quietly. I could hear Aizawa at the door. I gave a signal to Hitoshi. He got the hint and stayed quiet. "Oh, that's it?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, that's good. I don't mind." He smiled. I smiled. "Also, I'm due in 5-6 months because I'm part cat. Twins." I spoke, still quiet. His eyes got bigger and he smiled wider. I giggled as he gave my tummy kisses.

BNHA boyfriend to husband scenarios and everything in betweenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें