Telling YOUR parents

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Izuku Midoryia

My mom already know, but she said save it till we talk with your father. I told Izuku to not worry about it, knowing my parents hate him. Here I am now, sitting in front of them. "So.........." I spoke breaking the tension. "Who's the father?" My mom asked. I sighed. "You know who." I spoke. She growled. "I'm not letting my 15 year old daughter have a child with a kid we both don't like!" She yelled. I started crying. "How dare you!" My father screamed. "You know what?!? We already made up decisions and if you don't agree with them, then stay out of my life!" I yelled and ran upstairs. I locked myself in my room. Later that night, I packed stuff and ran to Izuku's place. I was greeted by his mom. "Oh, hun. I take it your mother didn't take it so well?" She asked. I nodded as tears spilled. She let me in and I went to Izuku's room. I set my things down and crawled in next to Deku. He instantly wrapped around me in his sleep.

Katsuki Bakugou

I'm sitting in front of my parents. "So, you wanted to tell us something?" My mom asked. I nodded. "Well, I had been feeling very ill. I went to the doctors and found out I'm not I'll at all." I spoke. "Go on." My dad spoke. "Turns out I'm pregnant....." I spoke. My mom's eyes widened. She noticed my feared expression and softened. "Honey......." she spoke and hugged me. "Who's the father?" Dad asked. "Kacchan....." I spoke. My mum giggled. "Well, he is something. Are you guys sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Momma, I'm scared....." I cried. She comforted me.

Shoto Todoroki

I'm siting with my parents at dinner. I told them I had a surprise. I had my results from the doctors. "You needed to tell us something?" My dad asked. I took out a paper and slipped it to them. They read it over. My mom already knows. She smiled though. "I'm disappointed in how early on this is in your life, but I trust you. I also love Shoto." She spoke. My dad still in shock. I smiled. I gave her a hug crying out thank you over and over. "Also, don't go getting all hormonal on me. Otherwise I'm sending you to Shoto's place." She joked and I laughed with her.

Tenya Iida

Already know's and already has an answer. It's okay.

Eijiro Kiroshima

I was straight up with them when I came home from telling Kiri's parents. They gladly accepted me. "It's okay hun. We had you around the same age." My mom joked about the situation. I laughed with her.

Denki Kaminari

I sat my parents down at the table. I handed them a note. I saw disappointment all over their features. "Well, what are you going to do? We can only be supportive of your choice." My mom spoke. "We are keeping it...." I spoke. My mom nodded. As disappointed as they are, they will support me.

Hitoshi Shinso

I was sleeping. I was absolutely destroyed from today. Curse hormones and cat mentality. Hitoshi told my parents for me and explained the situation. I woke up at his house though. He looked at me with sympathy. Oh........

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