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This ship was requested by @Ashl390

Lukes's POV:
I'm making Brandon's fourteenth cup of toffee I fly down to give it to me "here you go" I hand it to him. "Oh thank you" he gives me a smiles. I feel my face warm up a little "Your welcome" I smile back I stand in front of him waiting for him to tell me what to do. "Do you need something?" Brandon looks at me confused "what do you want me to do?" I ask "oh I don't know what ever you want" he says looking at me. "Ok then" I fly out confused I sit in the roof of the house thinking about what to do. 'What do I want to do?' I ask myself I start to think of what to do. I really don't know what to do, I stand up and fly down to the door. I walk inside to find something to do I end up sweeping the floor and doing some dishes. I find it odd to not be told what to do. I make more toffee for Brandon I fly down to give it to him. "Hey I made you more toffee" I say placing the beverage next to him. He looks up from a book he was reading "why I told you to do want" he looks at me confused. "Do you not want it?" I ask slightly sad "no it's not that I'm just confused" he quietly replies. "Oh" I look down "hey what do you want to do?" Brandon ask "I don't know I was trying to think of something but I can't think of anything" I look him in the eyes. "Why don't you relax" Brandon suggests "relax?" I ask confused "here" he patted the bed next to him. I sit "lay down" he says I do as told "now what?" I ask still confused. "You feel calm and rest for a bit" he answers "I don't think I'm doing it right" I say opening my eyes sitting up. "Is there something else we can do to relax?" I ask "I mean humans tend to read, draw, watch tv, cuddle or sleep to relax" Brandon says "oh ok" I blush at the thought of cuddling Brandon. "C-can w-we cuddling?" I ask looking away from him "oh you want to cuddle with me?" He asks blushing a little, I nod looking him in the eyes. "Ok umm here" he pulls me into a hug I hug back "this is nice" I smile "yeah" he looks at me I hides my face in his neck and shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist I slide my arms around his shoulders. "I like this" I blush "yeah I like it to" Brandon smile's. "Is there anything else humans do?" I ask "well yes here look at me and I'll show you" he replies. I look at him he moves his head closer to mine, he looks at my lips then to my eyes. I'm so confused then he touches his lips to mine, he close his eyes so I do to. This feels so nice and warm he slowly moves back. He looks at me with wide eyes and blushing "that was really good" I smile he smiles to. We cuddle for a little before we fall asleep cuddling.

Brandon's POV:
I wake up to feel something next to me I look and it was Lukes he looks so calm sleeping. 'how did I let him sleep on the floor!' I play with his soft, light blonde hair for a bit taking the site. His eyes lightly closed eyes soft lips and dusted red cheeks. He starts to stir and wake up he looks at me sleepy and confused. "I'm cold" I kiss his forehead and pull him into a hug he snuggles into my chest "Your warm" he mumbles in to my chest as we fall back to sleep.

Ok so 657 words not to bad I'm not editing this so there are probably mistakes hope you enjoyed if you have any ideas for a ship or a story line feel free to comment it.
Bye •.•

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