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Requested by @RokyRoad12345

David's POV:
I was at the bar about to order a drink when Mario stumble in "hey rocks for brains" I say not looking at him "help!" He calls I turn around to see that he's limping and has a lot of cuts and bruises. "You good?" "No I can hardly walk he says before falling over. "David! Help Mario!" Brandon calls from upstairs "why me?" "I'm Busy" "with what cuddling Lucas?" "Paperwork! And my brother is on a date with Michael!" "fine!" I walk over to Mario "here" I hold out my hand he grabs it pulling him self up trying to stand on one foot. "Thanks David" I pull his arm around my neck and put my arm around his waist so he could balance "where are you staying?" I ask "I usually stay in the bar or with Kit" "is Kit here?" "No she's visiting Kay for a date or something" "oh ok do you want me to take your to kit's or my place?" "Yours I guess it's closer" "ok let's go" I start to walk with him leaning on me. It's taking so long to get there because Mario keeps taking breaks to rest. "That's it" I pick him up "what why?!" Mario looks at me scared his face turning red "taking to long" I say before walking to my house walking though the doorway that has no door. I place Mario on the couch "wait here" I go upstairs to get my first aid kit. I walk down to Mario sit next to him "look at me" I say he faces me I get out a clean wipe and clean his cuts on his face and covering them with band aides. "Thanks" Mario says "I'm not done, arms" I juster for him to let me do his arm. He rolls up his sleeve I clean the cuts on his arms "so what happened?" "I was attacked by some guys there in jail now so it fine" "oh ok" I bandage his arms. "Can you take of your top?" "W-why?" He blush's "so I can see If you have any other cuts or injuries" "no" he looks away from me. "Just let me check" I say grabbing his top "no!" He pushes me away rolling into a ball "what wrong?" I ask confused and slightly concerned "I don't feel comfortable showing people my stomach" he say hiding his face "hey it's ok but at least let me check your back ok?" I suggest "fine he turns away from me I lift his shirt to see a some what big cut on his back. "Oh does that hurt?" I ask before I start to clean the cut it wasn't deal but it was long it went from his left shoulder blade to his right hip. "Kind of but it's not that bad" he say as I bandage the cut "you don't have to show me but do you have any more cuts on your tummy?" "...yes" he looks away "you ok with me cleaning them?" I ask "...ok" he turns to face me again. I smile at him before pulling up his shirt he has a cut on his ribs so I clean it and bandage it. "Now was that so bad?" I ask he looks away from me "hey look at me" I say he faces me his face is red again. "Aww you're flustered!" I lean closer to him "am not!" He shuffles away from me "sure your not" I smirk leaving closer again "D-David" he says looking me in the eyes "yes?" "Fuck off!" he says making me laugh "oh I love you to" I giggle "I'm leaving" he says standing up "don't you're leg is-" I was cut off "ok that hurts" he says as his steps on his bad leg "guess you can't leave" I smirk.
"Where is my brother!" I hear Kit out side "don't tell her where I am!" "Why?" "She is way to protective even though I'm older" he says looking down I kiss him on the forehead "what was that for!" Mario yells "Mario why are you in David's house?" I see Kit in the door "he was hurt" I say smirking "no I wasn't!" Mario says quietly "Mario what's that on your neck?" She says pointing at his neck. "What?" Mario asks looking at me I see that he has a few bruises on his neck. "What is it?" "It's fine kit he just got into a fight with some bad guys. "I say hugging him "ok but I'm keeping a eye on you" she says leaving. "What's on my neck?" He asks "bruises" I say kissing his cheek he hides his face in my chest "grate" he says embarrassed "don't worry it's not that bad" I hug him closer. "Hey David I'm back" boat walks in "am I interrupting something?" "No just Mario getting flustered" "oh ok I'll be upstairs" he walks away "you want to sleep in my room?" "I'm sleeping on the couch" he say laying down "fine I'll get you blankets" I go get him a blanket.

So hope you enjoyed because I don't love it but if you have a ships and/or storyline you want to request feel Free to comment it.
Bye. (-.-)/

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