Chapter 8

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So I died again, but now I'm back.


Jisung wakes up to a sharp pain in the side of his head and an aching pain in his ass.

It takes him a few seconds to get his bearings, but once he does he's cursing openly not caring who might be watch on the other side of that one-way mirror. This is just fucking fantastic, now it's going to be even harder to get the hell out of...

His thoughts are cutoff by the door opening on the other side of the room from him.
Of course it's Minho. He had ordered Chan to let him know as soon as Jisung was awake.

By now it was already the next morning, and Minho has long since composed himself. If you go into an interrogation  angry it's guaranteed you won't get any information.

Minho walks forward taking a seat across the table from Jisung, his hands in his pockets.

Jisung strains slightly against the handcuff binding his arms behind his chair, holding a cold gaze on Minho. If looks could kill Minho would most definitely be dead.

Minho is unfazed. How threatening does he think he is handcuffed to a chair. Minho lets out a sigh, finally breaking the silence in the room.

"So Jisung, it is Jisung isn't it? Or is that just some bullshit name set to throw us off?"

Jisung rolls his eyes like- Well like the pissed off teenager he is.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He bites out.

Minho shrugs his shoulders.
"Fair enough, you know we could always get that kid in here. What's his name, Jeongin?"

Jisung's eyes widen at that, not noticeable to the untrained eye, but this isn't the first time Minho has played this game so he catches it.

"Yeah, I know his name." He says it with a smirk.

"I'm sure he would be a lot more easily persuaded to talk."

Minho doesn't mean it, not really. He would ask the kid what he knew, but he was sure it wasn't much and he couldn't bring himself to ever hurt someone as innocent as that. Not to mention Hyunjin had threatened his life, if he were to lay a hand on the boy.
But the little jab worked the way he wanted it too, his only intention was to rile Jisung up.

Jisung pulls on the handcuffs harshly this time, the steel biting into his skin.

"You wouldn't." his voice comes out with an edge, that hints at a barely controlled temper.

Jisung takes a breath to calm himself dropping his eyes to his lap.

"If you hurt him in anyway, I'll kill you." He meets Minho's eyes again as he says it. "Or I'll die trying." his voice is deadly calm now, a sharp contrast to the barely contained rage it was just seconds ago.

Minho can see the threat in Jisung's eyes, in every line of his face and he can hear it in the tone of his voice. He knows Jisung's serious and his question of  "How threatening can someone be handcuffed to a chair?" is answered. Because, he would be lying if he said that threat didn't scare him, even given the circumstances.

Minho is a professional though, so he could be shitting his pants and he would know better than to show it. He keeps his face blank as he stands, rounding the table. He places one hand on the corner of the chair, just above Jisung's right shoulder and leans forward, one hand still in his pocket.

He's placed himself in a dominate position over Jisung, and he likes the power it shows.

"Jisung, I don't think you're in the position to make those kinds of threats." His voice is low with a hint of a threat, and in this position his face isn't far from Jisung's, which spurs on his next thought. Honestly, he is attractive. It's too bad he's the enemy, he would probably be a lot of fun.

The thought causes him to smirk as he takes a step back and hops up taking a seat on the table directly in front of Jisung and crossing his legs. His voice turns light, almost teasing.

"So think about you're next words carefully. Are you going to give me just a little teeny tiny bit of information, or should I go ask your friends?"

Jisung's face takes on a guarded expression as he weighs his options. Finally, he seems to come to a decision.

"What do you want to know?"

Minho's expression turns smug at that and he pretends to think, tapping a finger against his lips.

"Lets start with a simple one. Are you really Suho's son?"

"Yes" The reply is sharp but Minho will take it.

"Why are your names different?" The question had been nagging at him all night for some reason.

"I took my mother's name."

That only gives Minho more questions, but he senses if he asks further on the subject he'll be told to go to hell.

"Okay, goodbye then." He stands walking towards the door.


Minho turns to see Jisung pouting, probably without knowing it. "Yes?"

Jisung shifts in his seat.
"You're just gonna leave me here?"

Minho turns his back on the younger, smirking. "Yep"

He leaves hearing the groan emitted from behind him. He was composed, that doesn't mean he's not still pissed about having a gun pulled on him.


This chapter kind of didn't go anywhere lol but I feel bad for not posting and this little ordeal would've had to happened at some point, so might as well make a chapter out of it.

❛마피아❜ (Mafia) ~ A Minsung AUWhere stories live. Discover now