Chapter 11

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Jisung has managed to clean up and fall asleep before anyone comes back to the room.
It's Chan who walks through the door, Jisung's already awake and on his feet to the sound of the door opening.

Chan sighs looking Jisung over "Against everyone's better judgment the boss has decided to invite you and your friends to dinner."

Jisung laughs clearly thinking it's a joke, but Chan shows no signs of amusement.

"Wait, you're not joking?" he asks smile slipping off his face.

"As much as I wish I was I am not."

Jisung gives him a disbelieving look "Does your boss have a death wish or something?" 

Chan grumbles under his breath "I wish I knew." Before snapping "Do you always have so many questions? Let's go."

"You're not gonna cuff me?"

Chan smirks "No, but I'm not going to worry too much, Felix is gonna be there and he claims to have put you in your place earlier."

Jisung scoffs not saying anything walking to the door. Chan moves back motioning for Jisung to walk in front of him.

Chan still has a smirk on his face that's irritating the hell out of the younger, and Jisung is just thinking about doing something about it when he hears his name called.

"Jisung-ah are you okay?" it's Baekhyun who calls, Jeongin standing beside him. Baekhyun has his arm hooked around the youngest's shoulders, the boy looking nervous and scared.
To their side stands Felix and another man he hasn't met yet.

When he reaches them he shrugs his shoulders "As fine as I can be. What about you two?" he asks sending a concerned glance at Jeongin.

"We're fine, we Uhm, had a little accident but just some minor scratches and bruises." Baekhyun answers.

Their reunion is interrupted by the new guy clearing his throat. "This all really nice, but the boss really is expecting us."

Chan who was studying the trio trying to figure out their dynamic a little better coughs. "Right let's go."

The three are guided up the stairs out of the basement when they get to the hallway Felix falls into step beside Jisung.

"You don't have to mind Hyunjin too much," he says his voice cheerful. "He always acts like he has a stick up his ass."

Jisung snorts and the new guy, who he now knows is Hyunjin, grumbles about being older than him under his breath.

Jisung hears a laugh from Jeongin at that, making him look at the younger in surprise, before glancing at Baekhyun with an eyebrow raised, Baekhyun just shrugs shaking his head.

After a few more seconds they reach a door, that Jisung assumes is a dining room, because there are guards around just a ways farther down the hallway clearly trying to stay hidden, but they're clearly there for them. 
You'd think we were idiots. Jisung thinks scoffing to himself and getting a weird look from Felix.

He doesn't think about it for long because Hyunjin opens the door and there's food already laid out, it makes him remember that he hasn't eaten since lunch the previous day, foolishly thinking he would just go to the race and be able to go home and eat. 

He doesn't let his guard down despite how hungry he is, there are three people in the dining room. Minho seated at the head of the table, then two more seated to his right. Jisung remembers one of them being Seungmin the boy who took his name down at the race, the other he still hasn't met yet.

❛마피아❜ (Mafia) ~ A Minsung AUWhere stories live. Discover now