Chapter 16

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It's been a week since he had agreed to let Jeongin and Baekhyun go without him. He hasn't been allowed outside which at first didn't bother him because whoo vacation, but that only lasted about three days before he started going crazy. Now, a week later he's ready to bite the head off of the first person who so much as looks at him funny.

That being said the first person who looks at him funny is Felix and it's already been proven that; No, he can't bite Felix's head off and Felix is a sweetheart so he doesn't want to.

The second person to look at him funny however is Minho. Jisung has no problem biting Minho's head off so when he gives Jisung's pajamas and bed head a once over in the hallway with a raised eyebrow the younger is ready to snap.

"Is there a problem?" Jisung asks sarcastically.

"So, have you just given up on life or is this just a today thing?"

Jisung almost, just almost, punches him but decides, No, I'll keep my cool for now.

"Well, some assholes won't let me out of the house so what's the point? Or should I say one asshole because I know Chan already told you to let me out. He said and I quote 'We need to let him out of the house before he goes psycho and decides to kill us all.' "

Minho who had been silently listening to him rant finally speaks. "Okay."

"You see- Wait- Okay?"

"Okay, make yourself presentable and you'll come with me, Chan, and Felix today."

With that Minho leaves him and all the arguments he had rehearsed that morning in the hallway.


A few hours later they are getting ready to leave and it occurs to Jisung that he has no idea what they're doing, but he doesn't really care at the moment because he's fixing to actually leave the house.

It's not until he in the back passenger seat Felix beside him and Chan in front of him that he actually asks the question.

"So, what exactly are we doing?"

It's Chan that answers. "JJP owes us money for guns, they're two weeks behind and we're going to collect."

"JJP... Jaebum and Jinyoung?"

Minho smashes the brakes pulling off the road to turn and look at Jisung.

"You know them?"

Jisung smirks "Well yeah we've been doing business with them for years, they've never missed a payment."

"So it's a respect thing, then?" Minho mumbles under his breath.

"Well, Jisung you'll be of more use today than I thought."

It's not long before they're pulling into yet another warehouse and Jisung's making a rude comment along the lines of "Can we please be more original?".

They had discussed EXO's dealings with JJP to find out Jisung and Sehun usually dealt with them and what EXO usually got out of the deal were the guns SKZ were supplying them (Minho had said a few colorful words about that.).

Now, the plan is for Jisung to stay in the car (Jisung wasn't happy about that mind you.) and come out only if the two gave them any problems.

But Jisung doesn't get to sulk for long when Chan's coming back and opening his door for him.

"They're being smartasses I'm sure this is right up your alley."

Jisung plasters a smirk on his face stepping out of the car like he owns the place.

Jinyoung who is in a heated debate with Minho stops and stares, the younger's presence gives even Minho and Felix pause. This isn't the Jisung they've dealt with for a week, this Jisung radiates power and danger.

"You should shut your mouth Jinnie before you catch flies." Jisung smarts stopping beside Minho. In an instant Jinyoung's bowing, mouth now closed, and his persona that was radiating blatant annoyance now radiates respect, and Minho is honestly taken aback.

"Now, I assume you haven't heard yet or you wouldn't be doing this bullshit, but EXO and SKZ are now a joined front, which means if you cross Minho here, you cross me as well."

Jinyoung bows again "I'm sorry I wasn't aware."

Jisung waves a hand in dismissal. "Now you know. Now, I do believe you owe SKZ money is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct. Jaebum?" He turns to look at the man behind him. "The money please."

Minho watches the whole ordeal in shock and a glance around proves he isn't the only one. Chan is giving him a questioning look that he can only shrug his shoulders at, and Felix has a look of blatant shock.

They don't have long to debate it however before Jaebum is back handing Jisung a black bag which he passes off to Chan, who looks like he wants to protest but a look from Minho silences him and takes the bag back to the car to check it.

When Chan gives the all-clear Jisung turns his attention back to Jinyoung. "I do hope this problem doesn't happen again." He says with a smile that looks more like a threat than anything.

"Of course." Jinyoung shakes the younger's hand with a bow followed by Jaebum, before turning to Minho.

"I apologize for any trouble we may have caused you." He says bowing to him as well.

They all take their leave going back to their cars and as soon as JJP's car is out of sight Jisung is back to his usual self.

"Now, that's done, can you guys like buy me a burger or something? If I have to eat another one of Woojin's 'health' meals without having calories in my system I'm going to go insane."

Felix laughs but Minho doesn't seem to find it amusing.

"What the hell was that?"

"What was what?" Jisung asks confused.

"That." Minho waves his arms trying to convey what he means "That entire situation. Why are they scared of you? You'"

Jisung snorts "Thanks for the compliment, but as for why they're scared of me, I'll keep that information for myself." He smirks "Now about that hamburger."


Well, that was interesting.

I'd like to thank everyone for getting this book to pass 200 votes, you guys are amazing and ily💜

Beta read by my best crackhea- I mean friend daddyirene

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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