Chapter 13

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Important pls read

We're gonna go just a little into Jisung's past with this one. If panic attacks trigger you Please stop reading at the 🔴 it's safe at the 🔵. That being said the panic attack description is only what I've experienced myself, so if it's not accurate to how you've read them before or how you or someone you know has experienced it's because not everyone's experience is the same.



The next morning Jisung wakes with his head pounding, he hadn't fallen asleep until well into the morning hours. No matter how many times he's tried to plan a way out of this mess he comes up blank every time.

Now he's awake after just a few hours of sleep to banging on the door. He groans dragging himself out of bed to open it, only to find a way too cheerful Felix looking back at him.

Felix grins even wider (If that's even possible) when he sees him, Jisung only manages a scowl back.

"I was wondering if I was gonna have to drag you out." he shoves a bag into Jisung's hands.

"Boss wants all of you to look presentable today." is all he says before spinning on his heel and almost skipping away.

He seems to be in an even better mood than yesterday. Jisung thinks shutting the door and shaking his head.



"I swear to God Minho, you are absolutely insane."

At this very moment, Bang Chan wishes he had never met Minho. After the man had finally told him his "big plan" he is only left to think his best friend has finally lost too many brain cells.

Minho only shrugs his shoulders. "I think it will work out."

Chan shakes his head "This is absolutely ridiculous. Where do you even come up with these ideas?"

Minho opens his mouth to answer but Chan holds up a hand silencing him. "Don't answer that."

Minho stands from behind his desk. "I've already made up my mind. Have everyone, including those three, in the dining room in ten."

Chan opens his mouth to protest only to be silenced with a glare "That's an order, Chan. Don't make me remind you why I'm the boss."

Chan snaps his mouth shut and Minho exits, he passes Felix in the hall and the younger stops him. "Hey, Hyung I gave all of them the new clothes like you asked."

Minho nods "Good."

"I have to say it would be nice if you bought us that nice of clothes sometimes."

Minho chuckles "That's why you get paid good, so I don't have to buy your clothes."

Felix pouts and Minho pats him on the shoulder. "I'm having a meeting in the dining room, can you go help Chan gather those three up out of the basement?"

Felix salutes him "Of course, Boss." and ducks away giggling before Minho can whop him for being an idiot.

Minho makes it to the dining room before everyone else, he gives the order for breakfast to be brought out and by the time it's served only Jisung and Felix are missing from the table, Chan had already shown with Baekhyun and Jeongin a few minutes ago.

❛마피아❜ (Mafia) ~ A Minsung AUWhere stories live. Discover now