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"By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing.
And he vows his passion is,
Infinite, undying.
Lady make note of this --
One of you is lying."
-Dorothy Parker

January 12th, 2014 || Age 20

        "Michael, I really, really, really don't want pizza again," I groan, clutching my growling stomach as we wander around the heart of Sydney for something to eat. He shoots me an appalled look, like I offended him, his jaw dropping slightly. We pass multiple restaurants before he finally slows his pace, stopping in front of none other than a pizza place.

        "I'm actually disturbed that you could even say that!" He exclaims in shock, arms open wide as people pass us on the street. I'm sure I'd be staring too if a multi-hair-coloured boy was proclaiming his feelings over pizza as well. "Pizza is life, life.. is pizza."

        "You have a problem," I point out with a small giggle and he places a hand dramatically over his heart.

        "Look, if I find someone who makes me as happy as the pizza guy goes when he's delivering, I'll marry her, okay?" He states and grasps my arm. "Please, can we get some? I haven't had it in like, two days and that's not okay by my books."

        I sigh heavily and finally give in, nodding my head slowly. Michael makes an inhuman squeal and drags me into the place, the smells of fresh baked crust and pepperoni hitting me instantly. My stomach growls in response and I place a hand over it, as if trying to tell it to shut up.

        Michael called again later, long after Ashton had left. Ash and I had spent the majority of the day together, until finally I stated that it was time for him to go, only because I wanted to take things slow (even though that bridge had been skipped a few times). He didn't argue with me, instead he just kissed me hard and promised that he'd text me later. It was hard watching him leave through the door and I contemplated a thousand times just calling him back, but I knew it was better for us to have some space, especially since he'll be eventually leaving again.

        So, Michael had called and announced that we have some things to talk about, which is almost never a good thing when it comes to my friendship with him. Michael is my mediator, like I mentioned before, he always communicates to me for other people, mainly things that people don't want to tell me. It's always something extremely dramatic and usually, it has to do with Calum. To be honest, I'm confused about my friendship with Calum. Primarily because we're friends and yet we don't exactly know how to play the stereotypical friend roles. It's impossible considering his feelings for me and I can't seem to figure out how to change that. Needless to say, I've resorted to doing what I seem to do best these days: Just pretending that everything is fine.

        Michael orders a large pepperoni and stares at me, waiting for my order. I've been so lost in my thoughts that the young guy at the register is giving me looks like I should be hospitalized. I smile quickly, brushing my bangs from my face before stepping forward and ordering a small mushroom and pepper.

        "Seriously. You're out for pizza with me and you order a small?" He says, baffled. He tilts his head at the guy at the register. "Best make it a medium, I'll probably eat most of it anyway."

        Before I have a chance to protest, Michael hands the guy money and I'm left standing as he tromps off to find a booth. Michael is the most confusing person in our friend group, his motives are always all over the place and I can never seem to keep tabs on him.

        "Why do you always act so awkawrd around me?" He asks quickly as we sit down into our booth. It's surprisingly quiet in this place, the only other people being the staff and some overly-touchy couple in the corner of the room. I furrow my eyebrows and tap my foot nervously on the ground, unsure of what to say.

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