Chapter 16

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"Wait, wait, wait. What did you do?" Ginny asked Hermione as they walked out of the Gryffindor Common Room. She grinned at the orange-haired girl, holding her books tightly against her.

"Well, you know how Abbie called you a soulless ginger?" Hermione replied, Ginny nodding, "Well I asked her if she knew what a ginger was, and she said someone with red hair and then I asked her if Professor Bewillex is a ginger then, because she also has red hair. Abbie said 'Of course she's a ginger. Professor Bewillex is a soulless, gives-too-much-homework ginger.' And as she said that, Professor Bewillex walked right by and heard and ended up giving Abbie detention for the next two weeks. Her face was priceless." Ginny burst into laughter, almost dropping her books onto the ground. Hermione smiled, walking into the last class of the day saying, "Don't die of laughter."


Hermione was sitting in the library, finishing up her homework and waiting for Draco to arrive. She thought that maybe he'd forgotten to come, but pushed that aside as he strode into the room with his books held against his side. His blonde hair was slightly messy, and his robe was very dirty. His cheek was slightly purple and his hands were all bruised up.

"What happened?" She asked as he sat down beside her.

"I got into a fist fight, no big deal," He replied, opening up his book.

"Yes, big deal. With who?"

"I don't know. It was with some blonde, curly haired boy in my Muggle Studies class. He met up with me on my way to the library and started talking major bull. It ended up into a fight. Can we not talk about this?" Draco answered, and she nodded. A curly haired boy in his Muggle Studies class? Sounds familiar. Hermione told Draco to open up his books, and guided him through the assignments. He had the most difficulty with Muggle Studies and Care For Magical Creatures, which she was very good at. Well, she's good at almost everything.

"These are Muggle sports, Draco. This is football, but it means two different things. In England, it's a ball they kick with their feet. In America, it's a ball they throw across a field. Here, take a look at this. That's what an American football looks like apart from an England football. American's call that kind of ball a Soccer ball." Hermione explained.

"Why do they all have different names? Why can't they keep the same name for everything? It makes things so confusing." Draco asked in irritation. She sighed.

"Muggles are just as complex as wizards. One of the many things that make the two similar. We have sports, and they have sports. We have mostly the same food and the same utensils. The one thing that makes muggles unique, though, is they find ways to accomplish things without magic by using their knowledge. Some muggles out there have and still are smarter than most muggles and wizards combined. Albert Einstein, for example, was one of the greatest scientists in history. He studied the stars, and all sorts of things. He discovered so much and believe it or not, he was ten times smarter than I'll ever be in my lifetime."

"Wow. That is hard to believe. Was he really that smart?" He asked.

"Yeah, and there's several others who were as intelligent as him. Like Newton or Leonardo Da Vinci. I could name a billion, but I'm sure you'd rather not listen to me babble all day." Hermione replied.

"No, I do. It's interesting." Draco responded, catching her by surprise. She raised one of her eyebrows and he smiled at her, but this wasn't any cocky smirk or inappropriate grins. It was a genuine smile. Hermione returned the favor, and continued on explaining the history of Muggles and all of that sort. She also explained to him some fun activities Muggles do, some to which Draco wanted to try.

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