Chapter 1

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It was just the end of a large war when the girls entered the world. Eira and Ara were born to two humble parents on the night of a horrid snow storm. Ara was the first born, the doctors new something was special about her almost immediately when they saw a flower symbol on her chest and her small strands of blue hair on her head. At this time, a child born with powers was seen as a great gift, that idea would change later on. Nonetheless, the parents were thrilled, but then, Eria was born five minutes later. All the doctors stopped for a moment when the crying baby came out, they all knew something was different about her. Eira was as cold as death to the doctors touch and her eyes seemed foggy and obscured by something. The storm seemed to get worse as the baby cried and her hair was a lighter blue and silver color. They swaddled the babies in blankets, making sure Eira had extra coverings to keep her warm, and passed them to the parents. Twins born with separate powers were incredibly rare and the parents felt so blessed, it wasn't until the girls were 15 that they realized the severity of their uniqueness.

"Mom! Eira locked me out of our bedroom again!" Ara called from the staircase of their two story home. Her mother shook her head, "Your sister is tired, Ara. Let her rest a bit" she responded. Ara groaned loudly as she slumped down the stairs and sat at the dinner table across from her mother. "I don't see what she has to be so tired about! She does less than I do!" Ara complained and held her head against her hand. Her mother gently pat her daughter's other hand, "Well you know she's different, dear. Her powers take a more physical toll on her body than yours does. You two should both be lucky, most kids with powers dont even know how to use them at your age, but we can afford to train you girl's how to use them" she explained. Ara signed, "Yes mom, we're so lucky... I'm going to go mess with Eria while shes still blind!" She exclaimed happily as she jumped up quickly and sped towards the stairs.
Eria sat on her bed, her vision blurred from the ice covering her eyes. It was a side effect that occurred when she used her powers too much. Since eyes are normally very watery, and her body temperature would drop drastically when using her powers, they would ice over. Her sister, Ara, was born with Water powers, Eira was supposed to have them too, but a mutation happened during development and she was born with Ice powers instead.
As Eria sat, waiting for her vision to return and listening to the commotion between her sister and her mother downstairs, she suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves and a large carriage come up to the house and stop. She didn't start to panic until she heard armored foot steps hop out and approach the building. Even though she was still blinded, Eria flew up from her spot on the bed, unlocked the door, and ran down the stairs. "Someones here! Someones here! I heard armor ...." She called to her family, a knock was then heard and her father gave her a pat on her shoulder as he went to open the front door. Two men stood before their father in armor that was black as night and wielding sharp swords. "Mr. and Mrs. Anolk? We are aware two children with powers were born here, correct?" One of the men questioned. "Yes, thats correct, why?" Their father asked hesitantly, the two men forced themselves in and placed special handcuffs on the girls that covered their hands. One of the men pulled out a scroll and showed it off to the girls parents, "The Dark Lord requires these children to be brought to him. Legally as of now, he is these girls guardian, not you two."

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