Chapter 23

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Mortified, The Doctor stepped out of the room, leaving Eira and Russell alone. The silence was agonizing to Eira, when she couldn't stand it any longer, she decided to try conversation. "Russell? ... You don't have to tell me, but .. what happened to Sar?.." she asked weakly, Russell raised a brow and thought about his response. "He turned mad. You killed him in self defense." The young boy responded bluntly, Eira sighed, "I was afraid of that...". The two sat quietly together for a bit longer, focusing on their own thoughts. Surprisingly, Russell was the one who broke the silence this time; "You should know, they plan on doing painful experiments on you for a few weeks." He stated, nonchalantly. Eira sat up quicky in her bed, to which Russell ushered her back down. "W.. wait.. why?!" She stuttered, fearful of this new information she was told. Russell's purple eyes stared blankly at the older girl, "They found out your powers were the result of a deadly mutation. You should have died. You didn't. They want to know how.".
Eira was shocked, not just with the information but with how much Russell was choosing to speak with her. She began to hyperventilate, she couldn't wrap her head around the information that was just given to her. "I am supposed to be dead?! That's not possible!" She thought to herself. Russell looked around and moved in close to Eira, "Shh, shut up. Calm down. I can help you." He whispered, Eira paused and scrunched her brows together, "How?! If they already know then there's no stopping them" she exclaimed. Russell gave her a stern look and placed a finger to his lips, signaling for her to be quiet. "Trust" was all Russell said as he turned and went to go sit back down in his chair. Eira was now more confused than ever, "What the hell does that mean?!" She whisper yelled, but the boy didn't respond. Eira groaned, "Of course you go back to being mute now" she grumbled in annoyance. After a couple moments of waiting, the Doctor came back in with a black bag of equipment in his hand. "Hello again! Now, we gotta do a few tests, just to make sure the acid from the deviant boy didn't corrupt your blood stream" he lied, as he placed the bag down on the bed next to Eira,  he slipped on a pair of white  latex gloves and a surgical mask. Russell and Eira watched as the Doctor opened the bag to expose the various dangerous equipment inside. Eira felt her heart drop as she saw all the sharp tools, knowing full well he probably wasn't going to give her any aesthetic to knock her out. The Doctor chuckled and tried to lighten the mood, "Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it! Now, it may cause some pain, but you're tough so I believe tha-" the Doctor spoke before he was abruptly cut off by Russell. "The results were inconclusive." He stated simply. The Doctor furrowed his brows, "Excuse me?" He asked. Russell nodded, "The results were inconclusive. There's no need for additional experiments. It would prove useless" He spoke again. The Doctor was frozen in place for a moment before blinking a couple times and putting on his usual smile, "Well I better put that down into the report so we can get her out of here as soon as possible!" He exclaimed happily, turning to the file on his desk and writing a few notes in it. After he left the room to take the file to Nerugo.
Eira turned to Russell with her eyes wide in shock, "Wha...? How did you ...? Huh?!" She stammered, unable to form a full sentence, but it was ok because Russell knew what she was trying to say. "I told you I could help you. It only works on those with weak minds. I'm just lucky he was the Doctor you were given." He explained simply. Eira smiled, "Thank you, Russell.. you just saved me from a world of pain" she said, giving the red haired boy a smile. Russell sat back in his chair and gave Eira a firm nod in response.

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