Chapter 27

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Eira walked down the long hall with the guards, it was a tense silence that shrouded them. She was brought to a room, it had a large table in the center and 7 chairs around it. 5 of the 7 children were already there, some were talking with each other and some stayed dead quiet. Russell didn't sit in a chair, he stood at the front of the room, presumably waiting for someone. Eira went and sat at the end of the table, feeling a bit of awkwardness around her new coworkers. One of them, Project Flame, looked over and examined Eira. Eira recognized him, he was apart of her group before the incident with Sar took place. The red haired boy looked down at the wounds on her neck and then back up at her before turning his attention back to the blonde haired child beside him. Nerugo waltzed into the room with a few papers in his hands. "Hello everyone! So glad I could be here. The Dark Lord was supposed to conduct this meeting but hes having an issue while on a small mission with Fear and Darkness, so he asked me to step in for him." He explained, walking up to the front of the room next to Russell. Nerugo turned towards Russell, "At ease." He said simply and gestured over to the empty chair. Russell nodded and made his way to his seat. Once Russell was sitting, Nerugo began the meeting, "Now, this is just a formal information meeting. This is the only time we'll be doing one of these, so pay attention. We just need to get a few basic rules straight, alright? After that, I will briefly explain the procedure for your door passcodes. And finally, we'll talk about Missions. Everyone take one of these papers and for the love of Seluné, dont lose them or throw them away." He spoke, giving each one of them a peice of white paper with writing on it. The paper explained in brief the rules that Nerugo was going into more details on. No relationships, No disobedience, Keep your rooms clean, etc.
The meeting went on for what felt like hours, Eira yawned so many times she couldn't keep track. As Nerugo went on to explain, what he described as, a very crucial rule, a guard ran in with a scroll in his hands. Nerugo raised a brow at the young man under the armor and took the scroll from his shakey hands. Eira and the others watched Nerugos eyes darted from left to right as he read the scroll to himself. A pit formed in Eira's stomach, however, when she saw the horrified look that contorted on his face. Shoving the scroll back into the guards hands, The tall man brushed back his black hair. Nerugo stepped forward and slammed both hands onto table, his face looked hardened and extremely serious. "Unfortunately... our meeting needs to be cut short. We have all been summoned to The Dark Lords side. Helios has launched a suprise attack on the faction, we need to act now or else many will lose their lives. Theres no more training for you guys, this is the real deal. Make your way down to the castle gates immediately and prepare, we head out in 5." He spoke in a dead monotone voice. A ringing arose in Eira's ears and became louder and louder until it drowned out Nerugos voice and it was all she could hear. Eira swallowed the lump in her throat and knew she had to stay strong, even if it was the last thing she ever did.

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