Chapter 7

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They ran across the large feild of dead grass, desperately trying to make it to the wall so that they can make their way over it, when heavy footsteps were heard behind them. Guards in black armor ran out from all doors and were heading straight towards them. Ara stopped and blasted large amounts of water on some of them, sending them flying backwards. Eira decided she'd make large ice walls between the army and her group, it worked for a while but then suddenly, her eyes began to ice over. The walls she were making were huge, it was some of the biggest structures she had ever made with her powers, and her side effects were not making anything easy for her. "Ara! My eyes! If I keep this up I'll be totally blind!" Eira called to her sister as they both ran side by side, "Just hold tight, we're almost to the wa-!!" Ara called as she was abruptly cut off. Eira turned and saw a dart in the back of her sisters neck, "Ara!" She called as she quickly turned and went back for her. "Eira, Hurry!" Nerezza called from ahead, holding Russell tightly in his arms. Eira grabbed Ara's limp sleeping body and moved as quick as she could with the extra weight. Needing the extra time to get away, Eira had no choice but to make more large ice walls, causing her vision to become fully impaired by ice within a minutes time. Trying to make out the blurry scenery ahead of her, Eira felt a sharp sting in her shoulder blade, and another on the side of her neck; she'd been hit. Eira feel to her knees, unable to move herself forwards anymore, "Nerezza. ... Russell. .. Run!.." she called weakly as her body became heavy and she collapsed on the ground next to Ara.
When Eira awoke, her eyes were still partially covered in ice, but she could make out her surroundings. She was in a small single cell chained to the wall, to her left was another single cell with Ara in it, and to her right were two more cells with Nerezza and Russell in them. "A .. Ara?" Eira said quietly, Ara turned her head towards her sister, "Eira! You're awake! Now you can see the mess you got us into!" She said angrily. Eira furrowed her brows, "Me?! You all agreed with my plan, this isn't just my fault" she argued back, Nerezza was quick to shush the two girls. "This is no time for bickering. We need to come up with a plan, they're going to interrogate us separately. I suggest we don't say anything, no matter what they offer us, just don't speak. We won't get punished as bad as if they had someone thrown under the bus " Nerezza exclaimed, Eira nodded, "That sounds like a good plan." She responded. Ara followed, "Thats .. doable", Nerezza then turned to Russell, "It'll be ok, I promise. You already don't talk to anyone but me, so this should be easy for you." He said reassuringly to his younger brother and gave him a soft smile. A large man suddenly walked in, he wore a dark suit with small medals on them and had slick backed black hair, they recognized him instantly, he was the dark lords right hand man. He gazed between the four cells and gave the children a sickly smile, "So .." he spoke in a raspy voice, "Who shall go first?"

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