Chapter 8

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The tall man smirked, "You look like you wanna go first" he said as he pointed at Nerezza. Three guards walked forward, unlocked Nerezza's cell and unchained him. He was dragged away by the guards and was taken out of sight. Nerezza was sat in a small room with a table and some chairs, above was a balcony with an observer taking notes and a tall man in the shadows. His hands were chained onto the table and he sat across the dark lords right hand. "Before we begin, my name is Nerugo, it's very nice to meet you number 276" he said in a nice tone, trying to gain Nerezza's trust. Nerezza didn't speak and just stared at the man. "You guys were smart, and quick. You almost got away, I'm impressed, but I need to know what happened. How did it happen, which one of you was behind it, its very trivial information." Nerugo continued, still, Nerezza kept his lips shut. Nerugo raised a brow and decided to take another approach, "Well, maybe you need a little incentive. What if I were to tell you, I could give you power. Power amongst the people, power to make important decisions. You'd be in control of almost all the politics in this faction. Doesn't that sound intriguing? Just tell me what I want to know and it can be all yours" he explained. Nerezza's eyes widened in shock, all these things were what he wanted incredibly badly, yet he held strong and said nothing. Nerugo signed, "Guards! Take this one away and bring me another one! He's not talking" he shouted. Three men then came, unchained Nerezza from the table and brought him back to the cell block. Once he was back in, they went and took Russell to the same interrogation room. Nerezza quickly turned his head towards and girls as soon as the guards were out of sight, "He can read minds ... Nerugo, the right hand, he can read minds!" He said in a hushed tone. Eira and Ara's eyes widened, "What do you mean?!"  Eira asked worryingly, "I mean that he can read your mind!! He began offering things to me to make me speak, things I've always wanted but never spoke to anyone here about. He's going to do the same to all of us I bet ... it's just good he took Russell and not one of you two so that I could tell you. No matter what they offer Russell he won't speak to them, so I'm not too worried." Nerezza explained. Eira and Ara looked at eachother and then back towards Nerezza, both feeling very worried.
Russell was sat in the same spot his brother was in, a blank expressionless look on his face. Nerugo sat across from him and smiled, "Wow little guy, I'm told you're pretty strong for your age, got quite the punch on ya! Is that how the window broke? Or maybe how the handcuffs broke? You were testing out that awesome strength?" He asked nicely, Russell just sat there quietly, not moving. Nerugo thought for a moment, "Well what would you say if I told you I could make you even stronger! I have access to the best trainers and wizards who could give you all the physical strength you could ever want! But first, you gotta answer some of my questions, ok? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!" He said enthusiastically. Russell didn't move, didn't speak, didn't even give any indication he was interested; he knew Nerugo was lying and wouldn't give in that easily.

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