Chapter 19

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Eira sat on a ledge at the end of the long hallway outside her room, looking out her favorite window. It looked down upon a beautiful forest with a large, snowy mountain behind it. As she sat in peace, loud foot steps slapped against the stone floor approaching her. Sar ran up and wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her close, "There's my chilly girl! I was worried when I woke up and didn't see you" he exclaimed. Eira laughed, "Don't you worry, Sar. I'm never too far" she said back, feeling a large grin stretch across her face. Sar let go of the girl and peered out her window, "Such a beautiful view.. don't you wish you could just go out there and feel human again .." he said solemnly. Eira nodded, "One hundred percent I do .." she said back, rubbing the boys arm with her cold hand. Sar turned and sat beside Eira on her ledge, he threw his head into his hands and sighed. Eira quickly turned and placed a hand on his large back, "Everything ok?" She asked, Sar lifted his head slightly, "I'm fine .. it's just that this place is starting to drive me mad .." he responded in despair. "Oh Sar .. I'm sorry you feel that way. I understand though. Emotions can really run high in a place like this.. I promise, however, to try and keep you sane .. ok?" Eira explained, peering down and making eye contact with the blonde haired male. Sar smiled, "Thanks, dear.." he spoke quietly. Eira smile back at him and they both embraced each other in a tight hug. "Excuse me! Hands off eachother! Absolutely NO relationships with the other children! That's the rule!" Nerugo shouted from the other end of the hallway, Eira and Sar quickly let go of eachother, a little embarrassed. "Sorry, Nerugo .." they both muttered quietly. His fancy shoes made a clicking sound as he made his way closer towards the two. He stood tall in front of them and raised his hand to point at Sar, "121?" He asked. Sar nodded, Nerugo waved his hand, "Come with me 121, you're the first to the Trials today. And hurry up, we don't got all day" he stated impatiently. Sar nodded, "Yes, Sir" he replied as he stood from his spot and began to walk down the hall. Swiftly, when Nerugo wasn't paying attention, Sar turned and gave Eira a wave and a cheerful smile. Eira giggled and gave one back. Sar's Trial seemed to have taken a long time, he wasn't back until after they were served lunch. More importantly, when he came back, he wasn't acting the same.
Eira rolled over in her bed and saw him lazily walk in, his cheerful smile gone. She sprung up from her bed quickly, "Sar!" She exclaimed as she ran and hugged him, similar to how he did to her earlier. Sar didn't respond and just shrugged her off, Eira's eyes went as wide as saucers, he'd never turn down a hug, let alone a hug from her. "Hey .. Sar? I saved your lunch for you, it's not that warm any more but it should still be good.. is everything alright?" Eira asked, grabbing a tray from her end table beside her bed. Sar looked down at her blankly and took the tray from her dainty hands, "Yeah .. and thanks .. but I'm not hungry right now. I think I'm just gonna lay down" he responded coldly and he made his way to his bed. Eira blinked a couple times, "Yeah of course, you do what you got to do.. I'll talk with you later" she said as she turned and walked towards her own bed, baffled and confused as to what happened to her friend.

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