Chapter 5

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Eira was brought into a large stone room with no windows and a few bright lights hanging above. On the other end of the room was another child, she looked a little younger than Eira, had deep red hair, and her dress read the number 4567. The guards approached and removed both girls handcuffs, exposing their hands. Three men in white stood from the safety of a balcony that watched over the room. "We are the observers. We conduct and judge your trials. You are to do exactly as we instruct, can I get verbal confirmation you understand." One of them stated, both Eira and number 4567 nodded and spoke Yes. "Good. Now your instructions for the trial are simple. The two of you are going to fight using your powers, 878 has Ice abilities and 4567 has Fire abilities. You will battle until there is one of you left standing. The winner gets to return back to their cell, the loser gets punished." The observer explained. A loud bell was heard, signaling the beginning of the trial. Number 4567 was quick to shoot a shot of fire at Eira, to which she dodged just in time. "Guess there's no count down" Eira mumbled to herself, Quickly, she made herself a sheild out of ice to protect from the fire attacks. As the flames were thrown violently against the sheild, the sheild itself did not shatter, nor begin to melt. The observers leaned in closer to get a better look, jotting down notes as they did so. Number 4567 was caught off guard, she couldn't understand how that shield was still holding up. Taking advantage of the girls moment of confusion, Eira created an ice crystal that emerged from the ground underneath her opponent, the force of the movement shot her in the air. Number 4567 landed on the stone ground with a thud, but still managed to get back up. She lunged towards Eira, tackling her to the ground. The girls engaged in a fist fight for a bit, Number 4567's hands on Eira felt extremely hot and left burn marks in multiple places. After a while of hand to hand combat, Eira was able to kick up and push Number 4567 off of her. She quickly stood and approached the red haired girl, and without hesitation, Eira shot a blast of cold ice at her legs, freezing them, ensuring that her opponent would not get back up. Another loud bell rung and an observer called from above, "Winner, 878". Two guards entered the room and placed both girls back in handcuffs, Eira was led out back into the halls of the large dungeon. She looked back in the room and saw a bunch of guards enter and stare confusedly at what to do about Number 4567. Eira felt a little bad but knew that in the moment, it was one of the only options she had to ensure her own saftey.

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